Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Proof Speaking & Other Tips ? Writing To Be Read

I remember the time I was editing my second thriller ? Lucky For Some, Thirteen? before it was sent off to the publishers. Each time I went through the manuscript, I would find either an error or a clear opportunity to make the sentence ?sound? better. That?s when I decided to ?proof speak? rather than proof read.

This blog post in tells you why it?s a smart thing to proof speak your work. I found it very useful. The biggest gain is a better understanding of how it would sound to the reader.

Most description should come through dialogue but there are times when you need to find the right words to express the feelings of your characters as seen by others. I came across this list from author Kimberly T. Matthews. Your choice of the right word makes a big difference in your description. Kimberly? s list should prompt you, as it did me, to add-on to our vocabularies. If we don?t, we could end up using the same old words all the time, novel after novel.

The best way to improve your writing is to actively seek ways of improving it and put them into practice. I believe proof speaking and using the right word to depict expressions are useful tips to any writer.


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