Saturday, March 31, 2012

On the run, bin Laden lived in 5 houses

FILE - This Nov 18, 2011 file photo shows the guesthouse inside Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A widow of Osama bin Laden has told investigators that the al-Qaida leader lived in five safe houses while on the run in Pakistan and fathered four children, two of them born in government hospitals. (AP Photo/Shaukat Qadir, File)

FILE - This Nov 18, 2011 file photo shows the guesthouse inside Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A widow of Osama bin Laden has told investigators that the al-Qaida leader lived in five safe houses while on the run in Pakistan and fathered four children, two of them born in government hospitals. (AP Photo/Shaukat Qadir, File)

(AP) ? Osama bin Laden lived in five safe houses while on the run in Pakistan and fathered four children ? two of them born in government hospitals, his youngest widow has told investigators.

The details of bin Laden's life as a fugitive in Pakistan are contained in the interrogation report of Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, bin Laden's 30-year-old Yemeni widow. They appear to raise fresh questions over how bin Laden was able to remain undetected for so long in Pakistan after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, despite being the subject of a massive international manhunt.

Details from the report were first published by the Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

The Associated Press obtained a copy on Friday.

Al-Sada is currently in Pakistani custody, along with bin Laden's two other wives and several children. They were arrested after the U.S raid that killed bin Laden in May in his final hideout in the Pakistani army town of Abbottabad. The U.S. Navy SEALs shot her in the leg during the operation.

Mohammed Amir Khalil, a lawyer for the three widows, said the women would be formally charged for illegally staying in Pakistan on April 2. That charge carries a maximum five-year prison sentence.

Since the raid that killed bin Laden, it has been known that he lived mostly in Pakistan since 2002.

Al-Sada's account says she flew to Pakistan in 2000 and traveled to Afghanistan where she married bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks.

After that, the family "scattered" and she traveled to Karachi in Pakistan. She later met up with bin Laden in Peshawar and then moved to the Swat Valley, where they lived in two houses. They moved one more time before settling in Abbottabad in 2005.

According to the report, al-Sada said that two of her children were born in government hospitals, but that she stayed only "two or three hours" in the clinics on both occasions. The charge sheet against the three women says that they gave officials fake identities.

During the manhunt for bin Laden, most U.S. and Pakistani officials said that bin Laden was likely living somewhere along the remote Afghanistan-Pakistan border, possibly in a cave.

The fact he was living in populated parts of Pakistan raised suspicions elements in the Pakistani security forces may have been hiding him. U.S. officials have said they have found no evidence this was the case.

Associated Press

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Friday Illusion: Ghostly spiral appears from nowhere

Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV

Don't worry, the mesmerising swirls in this video won't hypnotise you. But once the moving pattern disappears, you may be surprised when a ghostly spinning spiral appears before your eyes.

The illusion was accidentally discovered by game designer Hjalmar Snoep while he was creating an animation late at night. "I realised that the after-image that appeared wasn't part of the animation," he says. "I've never come across a moving after-image even though I have collected lots of optical illusions, so it piqued my interest."

After-image effects are caused by the overstimulation of photoreceptors in the eyes after staring at an image for a long time. Typically, they take on the original shape, often appearing in its complementary colours. But a recent study by Hiroyuki Ito from Kyushu University in Japan showed for the first time how an after-image can vary in shape as well as hue.

Ito is now studying moving after-image illusions, since they aren't easy to explain with existing theories. After viewing Snoep's animation, he suggests that the averaged or accumulated retinal exposure to light over the clip's duration could cause the spiral after-image. "The hypothesis could be tested by calculating the averaged luminance for each pixel during the viewing period," he says. "It's a splendid demonstration as entertainment, as well as from a scientific point of view."

Were you able to see the illusion? Do you have a suggestion for why the effect might occur? Let us know in the comments section below.

If you enjoyed this post, check out our previous Friday Illusions to see, for example, how to colour an image with your eyes or how a moving background can induce a disappearing act.

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Universal Mobile Telecommunications - All VoIP News

Reducing capital costs during providing the flexibility to allow anything from multiway, real-time, synchronous communications to cloud storage and asynchronous communication ? that?s the goal, and the challenge.

Mobile society

We have always been a mobile society. Don?t like it where you are? Pull up your roots and plant them someplace else. Not an option? At that time just import enough goods to transform the place you find yourself into something resembling where you?d like to be. Over the past couple of centuries, major technological advancement was tied largely to two things: moving people and things more efficiently from time to time, i.e., through railroads, steamships, automobiles, aircraft; and communicating over earlier prohibitive physical distances, i.e., via telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, and Internet. It?s the latter that?s of interest here.

Early long-distance communication was accomplished over wires and undersea cables. Radio and TV changed that, although being unidirectional they were limited to the entertainment sphere and to local arenas only. Earlier the advent of commercial satellites, it was simply not possible to reach more than a small area with a single broadcast. Hence the build-out of cable television networks.

The phone system evolved the in contrast way

The phone system evolved the in contrast way, born hard-wired and remaining so much longer. Many of us can easily remember when ?party lines? were common; you needed an operator to call outside your immediate area; phone numbers had only five digits; and Superman could easily find a booth in which to liberate his cape. Phones were a wonderful modern convenience, however expensive, cumbersome, and static-ridden. And there was nothing for the guy or gal on the go.

Cellphone antecedents date back a half-century, however the real deal didn?t arrive until 1997, with the release of the first pocket flip phone. That?s barely fifteen years ago. Since at the time, there has been a technological explosion unprecedented in human history. Nothing has ever caught on, worldwide, as fast and as furiously.

The end sold 60 million of its first clamshell phones

Motorola in the end sold 60 million of its first clamshell phones. Not bad for a new product. Nevertheless consider the estimated number of worldwide mobile subscriptions at the end of 2011: 5.9 billion. That?s one phone for every 1.2 human beings on planet Earth, with parity expected no later than 2014.

The straightway problem, for all that, was that each communications medium had been tailored to do only one thing. Telephone systems were built on the principle of circuit switching for much of their history. One wire meant one conversation. Or one slice of wireless spectrum meant one phone call. As demand for services increased, research brought ideas like time division, where 4 or 8 or 16 parties could share a circuit without knowing it was happening. However the network was nonetheless only a voice network.

Cable was much the same. You could watch television channels, nevertheless you couldn?t use the same wire for anything else. New features like pay per view were added, yet it was for all that just a television network.

The Internet

Then along came the Internet, with research that was revolutionary in its simplicity. It divided information up into little packets and could ship those packets ? containing virtually any kind of data ? anywhere. With the naked eye the systems were slow, allowing transmission of simple text documents and perhaps some small images. Nevertheless as demand for services exploded ? Net users grew from about 50 million in 1996 to an estimated 2.1 billion by the end of 2011 ? so did the speed of the networks behind them.

As the ?all-digital, all-the-time? world unfolded at in broad outline the speed of light, innovations tried to keep pace. People began making phone calls on Skype, surfing the Web on their big flat screens, and watching last night?s TV shows on their computer monitors. Increasingly, it was all about the transmission of data packets, whether for technology, business, entertainment, market transactions, or whatever.

And, depending on your perspective, as a cable or telephone executive it was either the biggest threat to your business imaginable or the biggest possibility since the original. Businesses of all kinds responded to the latter, and something incredible began happening. On the spur of the moment, cable-television operators were in the business of selling telephone services. Telephone companies were selling digital television services. And everyone was selling Internet connections. The race was on for traditional suppliers with wired networks to upgrade their equipment, change out their networks, and make them all packetized ? fully Internet Protocol ready.

Yet, for over a decade, one ?legacy? provider was too busy to actually even notice the Internet. Mobile-phone providers were grappling with the fastest-growing business of all time ? three times faster than global Net access growth. Trying to squeeze every last bit out of their growing networks, they invested in highly specialized equipment, much like cable and television operators previously them. There was demand, clearly, for Web access on the go. So they rigged up connections, referred to as Web Access Protocol or ?WAP,? between the Internet and their networks. However the research was slow and cumbersome.

Customers demanded something better. As the Web, email, Internet video, and the like became more pervasive, more and more users began to look to their mobile-phone providers to give them access.

The answer came in 2007

The answer came in 2007, when Apple introduced the iPhone. It wasn?t the first of its kind ? smartphones have been around in one form or another since 1993, when IBM introduced Simon ? however it was the first to hit the market at top speed? and it never look back.

982 million ? worldwide estimated smartphone sales in 2015, a mere eight years afterwards the iPhone?s introduction.

Data speeds on wireless have exploded as so then, jumping from the kinds of speeds a dialup connection could have garnered you in 1995 to nearly broadband today. Now, with LTE (Long Term Evolution, latest standard in the mobile network technology) and WiMAX, users can connect wirelessly with their phone, laptop, and/or tablet, watch a few Netflix movies, make phone calls, download presentations for the office, and much more. All of this has required a massive investment from wireless companies in retooling and upgrading their networks ? more than $100 billion globally per year.

The popularity explosion

Beyond the popularity explosion and the wildly proliferating number of apps available anywhere, anytime, many people are now envisioning where this is leading. Imagine that you get up in the morning and turn on your phone. You connect to your home WiFi system, check your email, see what gold has done overnight, make a Skype call to the Singapore branch of the company, and order flowers sent to one of your colleagues for her birthday. You?re on the phone with your boss when you move outside, and you?re on the spur of the moment transferred to the cellular network. Your conversation never drops. On the way into the city, your carpool gets caught in a traffic jam and you?re running a little late, which means you?ll miss the start of that 8:30 teleconference with Chicago and L.A. No problem ? you just join it by smartphone. Once into your building, you?re automati cally switched to the local network there. By the time you reach your desk, the teleconference is proceeding on your office computer and you haven?t missed a word.

The convergence of all these communications services requires tons of new hardware, plenty of highly specialized software, and a whole heck of a lot of bandwidth, if not known as ?channel capacity,? which is the maximum throughput of a logical or physical path in a digital communication system. Colloquially, this is known as the ?pipe,? through which all things flow. The fatter the pipe, the more you can send down it.

The old dialup-modem download standard of 56 kilobits per second just doesn?t cut it. DSL and cable modems that allowed for download speeds in single-digit megabits per second were an improvement and enabled things like Voice over Internet Protocol to take off, nevertheless were simply not ready to handle video. And for serious converged voice/data/video transmission, dozens of megabits all the way up to gigabits per second will have to become the new normal.

The backbone

On the backbone, to support the wants of this burgeoning user base, speeds must aggregate to much higher numbers if we are not to have the digital equivalent of a twenty-car pileup on the highway, day in and day out. To meet these needs, 10 Gbps pipes were introduced in 2003, and the first 100 Gbps optical transmission innovation was shipped to commercial clients last year. One company we follow in Casey Extraordinary Research is showing bonded channels with 500 Gbps capacity and up.

And, such as the telephone system went wireless with explosive growth and wireless continues to dominate the television landscape, so the future of the converged network is wireless, too. However to get there, we have even furthermore to go speed-wise. During home and business users are now usually enjoying speeds strong enough to support this converged ideal, mobile is nevertheless behind. For instance, PC Magtested various smartphones last June in different parts of several cities. Maximum download speed topped out in Dallas, at 14.98 Mbps for a third-generation service, which is what most people have. Max on a Verizon 4G came in at 37.66 Mbps. Average speeds were, nevertheless, much lower ? as a rule in the 1-3 Mbps range ? for the 3Gs. This is simply not fast enough to support the full range of applications. In return, things are changing quickly.

The future of wireless lies with a research dubbed LTE

Most industry observers believe that the future of wireless lies with a research dubbed LTE, which is shorthand for ?3GPP Long Term Evolution for the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.?

Providers call LTE their fastest, most advanced network. However it?s not just the then generation of wireless; it?s an ongoing, evolving research, one that will indiscriminately improve over time. It?s poised to become the standard for cellular networks for the straightway decade, otherwise beyond. In that same PC Magtest, users of 4G service ? which is rolling out in a handful of cities around the US as we write ? were getting sustained data speeds up to 15.75 MB, beyond what a cable Internet subscriber in most markets could expect just five years ago.

Paradigm shift

LTE represents a paradigm shift, from hybrid voice + data networks to data-only networks, where voice is handled with the same innovation as cable telephony and Skype. Network operators that are deploying it want to replace everything else they have with it. It must be able to handle voice calls and text messaging, as then as Internet services. Trouble is, LTE was designed with data only in mind. So a new VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) solution had to be developed.

A couple of different ones were tried, nevertheless the one that stuck was VoLTE-IMS, or simply VoLTE. VoLTE supports text messaging and high-quality speech encoding, which will provide clearer calls. It as well has the potential to support video calling, yet no standard for that exists as but.

But it?s taking some intermediate steps. LTE will utilize a research known as MIMO, which means that devices have multiple connections to a single cell. That increases the stability of the connection, reduces latency, and increases the total throughput of a connection. MIMO is what allows 802.11n WiFi to reach speeds of 300-400 Mbps, or some ten times that of mobile. Expect mobile to close the gap.

Overall, there are plenty of bugs for all that to be flushed out as true unified data delivery moves toward reality. Many innovators are working hard on the problems, because the companies that can successfully ride the wave of network convergence ? and we hold some of the most promising ones in the CET portfolio ? are going to do very well as a matter of fact.

The Denver Zoo

Employees of the Denver Zoo, along with some outside help, have modified a motorized rickshaw to run on animal dung and garbage. And that?s just the beginning. The zoo plans to use the research to generate power at its upcoming ten-acre elephant exhibit. In the long run, the zoo thinks it will be able to turn 90% of its waste into energy, making use not only of the copious amounts of animal poo it has on hand nevertheless also eliminating some 1.5 million pounds of annual garbage waste that before went into landfills.

Doug Casey is an American-born free market economist, best-selling financial author, and international investor and entrepreneur. He is the founder and chairman of Casey Innovation, a provider of subscription financial analysis about specific market verticals that he has focused his investing career around, including natural resources/metals/mining, energy, commodities, and innovation.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Retro Furniture | KUSIQUYLLUR Home Improvement Tips

3911964685 3e5d131b14 m Retro Furniture

Back in the 50s and 60s, modern furniture was cool. Now people are rediscovering furniture from this period and shopping on eBay for it or buying reproductions of design classics from the past.

The modern style became popular in the UK after the Festival of Britain in 1951. The Festival gave the best of British designers a chance to show off exciting new designs to a public that was hungry for change. In the 50s, people completely reversed their tastes from preferring traditional style to wanting modern design.

Today what was considered cutting edge modern in the 50s and 60s is retro. Retro style is a way to make your home look distinctive, something different from the DIY superstore look that everyone else has.

Re-issues of classic 50s and 60s designs are available at many stores. Habitat, for example, make a number of Robin Day?s classics, such as the Forum leather sofa from 1964.

Fritz Hansen still manufacture Arne Jacobsen?s beautifully organic Egg Chair from 1958.

If you don?t want to pay designer prices, then original designs from the 50s and 60s are still readily available on eBay. Be your own judge of what is good design; not every piece made with a contemporary style in the 50s and 60s was.

Look for simple shapes, such as long, low sideboards with minimal decoration. Generally if it looks good, it is good design.? If the proportions are wrong, ignore it. Scandinavian influence was strong in UK furniture from the 50s to the 70s. Look for pieces finished in teak or rosewood. Rosewood has a distinctive curvy, grain pattern. Sellers on eBay often describe mahogany or sapele pieces incorrectly as rosewood. Both these woods have a straight grain.

They are less fashionable in modern style furniture and consequently pieces in mahogany or sapele are less valuable.

Some manufacturers from the 50s and 60s that made well designed furniture are G-Plan, Stag, Ercol, Austinsuite and Nathan. G-Plan was a pioneer of modern design. Stag employed John and Sylvia Reid to create some fantastic minimalist pieces in the 50s. Their most famous design was Minstrel ? a reinterpretation of eighteenth century elegance for the modern world. Ercol made simple, modern furniture in English Elm. Ercol is of high quality and has a large following. If you want to buy the top designers from the 50s and 60s then pieces do come up on eBay, but are rarely cheap. Look for manufacturers like Gordon Russell, or Archie Shine. Younger also made some marvellous quality pieces in teak and rosewood from the late fifties. They may be cheaper than some of the top designer pieces. Also look for Danish furniture on eBay.

Overall, look for furniture you like rather than what you think is valuable and have fun decorating in a modern style to complement your acquisitions.

Incoming search terms:

,ebay furniture


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Senate blocks proposed end to oil company tax breaks (Los Angeles Times)

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Kinect for Windows version 1.5 to be released in May

Seems like it was only yesterday that Microsoft took the wraps off version 1.0 of Kinect for Windows, putting the power of voice and gesture controls in the hands of the hoi polloi. Now, the gang in Redmond has said that version 1.5 will be coming in May, and will bring 10-joint skeletal tracking to let the sensor bar work while users are seated. The update also includes Kinect Studio, an app that allows devs to record, play and debug clips of users to fine tune their applications. Additionally, it brings language support for French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese, plus there's added support for regional dialects in those languages and English as well. Lastly, Microsoft is promising a whole slew of new countries around the globe will be getting Kinect for Windows in May and June, so to see if your homeland made the cut, check out the source below.

Kinect for Windows version 1.5 to be released in May originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 14:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tech firms cry foul in Taiwain

High-tech firms in Taiwan say they developed numerous firsts like all-in-one PC computers that became market successes only after being rebranded in the United States, Japan, or South Korea.

? A local, slice-of-life story from a Monitor correspondent.

Skip to next paragraph

A lawsuit by a little-known Taiwanese high-tech firm against Apple has joined the list of uphill legal cases against Silicon Valley.

Working on computer hardware contracts for 30 years, Apple?s onetime partner Proview International Holdings alleges ?fraudulent actions? by the computer giant to acquire iPad trademarks. But Proview?s would be just one case. High-tech firms in Taiwan say they developed numerous firsts that became market successes only after being rebranded in the United States, Japan, or South Korea. Proview?s claim joins that of Taiwan-based Elan Microelectronics, which sued Apple in 2009 over patents for the touchpad.

In addition, several Taiwanese firms claim to have come up with the ?all-in-one? compact desktop computer in 2007 only to find it sold later by Apple and Lenovo, says Helen Chiang of market research firm IDC in Taipei.

Taiwan lags behind overseas peers because its tech firms, facing slimmer profits from contracts, only started branding their own PCs within the past five to 10 years, the Taiwanese government and private analysts say.

?The problem isn?t with product functions or technology,? says Hanson Tseng, strategic marketing executive director with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council. ?It?s about whether the brand can be advanced.?


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pope's trip sparks hopes for change in Cuba

HAVANA (Reuters) - For years at Havana's historic Cristobal Colon cemetery, Communist Party members refused to enter the Roman Catholic chapel there for funeral services.

They stayed outside while others honored the dead because religious believers were banned from the party and being seen in a church, particularly a Catholic one, could bring trouble even for someone in mourning.

But those days are gone and the Church has taken a bigger role in Cuban society since the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1998, said 68-year-old Erick Osio, who remembers standing outside the cemetery chapel.

"Things relaxed and that taboo ended. Everything has changed for religion in Cuba since then," said the retired army colonel who now works as a parking attendant.

"John Paul began a different evolution here that opened things up for believers."

Fourteen years after John Paul's epochal trip to Cuba, Pope Benedict will come to the island on Monday after a three-day stop in Mexico, on a visit that was not predicted to be as groundbreaking, but has sparked hopes for more economic and political change among some Cubans.

He may have signaled more ambitious aspirations than expected, and jarred the Cuban government on Friday when he told reporters the Caribbean island needed a new economic model because communism had failed.

"Today it is evident that Marxist ideology in the way it was conceived no longer corresponds to reality," the pope said on the flight to Mexico, where he landed on Friday afternoon.

"In this way we can no longer respond and build a society. New models must be found with patience and in a constructive way," he said, extending the Church's offer to help with a transition in one of the world's last communist countries.

When asked about the comments at the opening on Friday of a press center for the papal visit in Havana, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said only that Cuba would listen respectfully to the pontiff during his three-day visit and considered the exchange of ideas "useful."

Benedict's predecessor is a tough act to follow because, even though the Communist Party ended its ban on religious believers in 1991, Cubans generally view John Paul's visit seven years later as the landmark moment that led to improved Church-state relations after decades of hostility that followed the island's 1959 revolution.

This pope's work will be to build on recent gains by the Church in its relations with the government and seeking a bigger role in a time of change under President Raul Castro.

Cardinal Jaime Ortega, the leader of the Cuban Church, has emphasized the spiritual side of the visit and the hope of re-energizing religion on the island that for 15 years under former leader Fidel Castro officially declared itself an atheist state.

A senior Vatican official, who requested anonymity, said recently the pope wanted to assure the Cuban government that its former enemy only wanted to be helpful, not threatening, as Raul Castro undertakes reforms to improve Cuba's Soviet-style economy.

"The pope wants to help Catholic leaders convince the government that it has nothing to fear from the Church in Cuba," the official told Reuters.

"The Church wants to help in education, in teaching moral values. That can only help all of Cuban society as it embarks on many changes in the political and social spheres."

The Cuban rumor mill has been in full swing with speculation that as a gesture to the 84-year-old pope, the Cuban president might release more political prisoners, free jailed American contractor Alan Gross or finally unveil immigration reforms he promised last year.

Gross, 62, is serving a 15-year sentence for illegally setting up Internet networks in a case that has stalled U.S.-Cuba relations.


Cubans said this week they believed the pope's visit was a good thing for the country and that it could use the Church's help on several fronts, particularly the economy.

"The pope comes at an opportune time because there is no work," said 19-year-old Carlos Gonzalez as he waited in line for ice cream in Havana's Vedado district. "I've looked for work for two years and I don't find it, and the jobs here have low salaries."

"Young people want to leave because we don't have anything. The only thing we have is the beach and the Malecon," the thin, clean-cut teenager said, referring to the city's spectacular seawall.

"May the changes come very soon," said his friend Yusniel Garcia Suarez, also 19 and jobless.

He smoked a cigarette, wore a faded gray T-shirt with the words "Power Hitter" on the front and, like several people interviewed, said he was religious but did not go to church.

His ambitions were not high, but they would require a lot more money than the average Cuban salary of $19 a month, and immigration reforms making it easier to come and go from his homeland.

"I don't want to leave Cuba. I just want to be able to go to Cancun for a few days with my girlfriend," Garcia said.

Communist Party member Laurent Barredo, 46, warned that no one should expect miracles from the pope's visit because the Cuban government would only make changes at its own pace.

"Nothing is going to change because of the pope. The changes that have happened are going to continue because they are the only thing that will bring internal development to Cuba," he said, adding he thought the trip would help the government.

"It will give prestige to the Cuban revolution. I think that the principles of the Church are the same principles as the revolution. You can believe that God exists and I can believe that he doesn't, but if we are honest, work, produce and help each other, it's the same," he said.

Some anti-Castro groups complain that papal visits give Cuba's communist rulers a legitimacy they do not deserve, although criticism before this trip has been more muted than in 1998, even in Miami, the home of many Cuban exiles.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's No. 2, said in a newspaper interview this week that the visit would help the process of developing democracy and open up new spaces for the presence and activity (of the Church)."

In Havana, retired school teacher and non-believer Galicia Cabrera, 68, said she did not want Benedict's visit to bring a return to pre-revolution days when the Church was a bigger and more powerful part of Cuban society.

A Church survey in 1954 found that 72.5 percent of Cubans were Catholic and 24 percent of them were regular churchgoers. Today, Church officials say about 60 percent of Cubans are baptized, but only 5 percent always go to Mass.

"Everything is good the way it is. Don't change because now is the only way we can live in Cuba - the Church in one part and the government in another part," Cabrera said while looking up from reading Granma, the Communist Party newspaper.

Osio said he thought the pope would do something to improve U.S.-Cuba relations, which have been hostile since the revolution.

The United States has imposed a trade embargo on Cuba for 50 years, which the Cuban government and many Cubans blame for their country's chronic economic woes.

"It looks to me like the pope is going to help tighten or redefine relations between the United States and Cuba. Remember that I said that," he said, wagging his finger.

(Editing by David Adams and Peter Cooney)


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Audit: Gas lines tied to fracking lack oversight

FILE - In this July 27, 2011 file photo, Range Resources workers stand near the rig that drills into the shale at a well site in Washington, Pa. The company is one of many drilling and "fracking" in the area to release natural gas. The federal government needs to track safety hazards tied to thousands of unregulated pipelines gathering new oil and gas supplies released through the fracking process, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File)

FILE - In this July 27, 2011 file photo, Range Resources workers stand near the rig that drills into the shale at a well site in Washington, Pa. The company is one of many drilling and "fracking" in the area to release natural gas. The federal government needs to track safety hazards tied to thousands of unregulated pipelines gathering new oil and gas supplies released through the fracking process, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File)

FILE - In this July 27, 2011 file photo, the sun shines over a Range Resources well site in Washington, Pa. The company is one of many drilling into the Marcellus Shale layer deep underground and "fracking" the area to release natural gas. The federal government needs to track safety hazards tied to thousands of unregulated pipelines gathering new oil and gas supplies released through the fracking process, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File)

(AP) ? Government auditors say federal officials know nothing about thousands of miles of pipelines that carry natural gas released through the drilling method known as fracking, and need to step up oversight to make sure they are running safely.

Amid the gas-drilling boom, private companies have put in hundreds of small gathering pipelines in recent years to collect new fuel supplies released through the high-pressure drilling technique.

Nationwide, about 240,000 miles of gathering pipelines ferry the gas and oil to processing facilities and larger pipelines in the major energy-producing states. Many of these pipelines course through densely populated areas, including neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Government Accountability Office said in its report issued Thursday that most of those miles are not regulated by the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, which means they are not regularly inspected for leaks or corrosion.

In some states, officials don't know where the lines are.

Emily Krafjack, who lives in the gas-rich Marcellus Shale formation in Pennsylvania, said many local residents have no idea that the pipelines near their homes are not overseen by federal regulators. Gathering lines that run in the rural northeastern corner of the state receive no federal oversight if there are fewer than 10 homes within 220 yards of the pipeline.

"Who would ever think that they could run something like this next to your home and it wouldn't have any regulations attached to it?," said Krafjack, a former community liaison for Wyoming County, Pa., on gas issues.

Nationwide, there are about 200,000 miles of gas gathering lines and up to 40,000 miles of hazardous liquid gathering lines in rural and urban areas alike, ranging in diameter from about 2 to 12 inches. But only about 24,000 of those miles are regulated, according to the report.

The industry is not required to report pipeline-related fatality, injury or property damage information about the unregulated lines. PHMSA only collects information about accidents on the small subset of gathering lines that the agency regulates, but that data was not immediately available Thursday.

The pipeline agency is considering collecting more data on the unregulated gas gathering lines, but the plans are still preliminary and have met with some resistance from the natural gas industry. Agency officials are reviewing more than 100 public comments received about their proposal for gas lines, and also plan to propose a rule that will cover hazardous liquid gathering pipelines by the fall, said Jeannie Layson, a spokeswoman for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

PHMSA delegates some enforcement of its rules to state-level pipeline safety authorities, who the Government Accountability Office surveyed to understand the array of risks associated with gathering lines.

Those state-level agencies told the auditors that construction quality, maintenance practices, unknown locations, and limited or no information on current pipeline integrity all posed safety risks for federally unregulated gathering pipelines.

The expansion of hydraulic fracturing, which involves shattering rock thousands of feet underground with a combination of water, sand and chemicals, promises staggering yields, and drilling also comes with promises of job creation and economic opportunities.

But in Fort Worth, where dozens of new gathering lines have been laid in recent years to capture supplies from hundreds of new wells, some residents say there aren't enough protections from leaks and ruptures due to corrosion.

"It's ridiculous," said Jerry Lobdill, a retired chemical engineer who lives in a Fort Worth neighborhood near several new gas wells and has several lines running near his home. "The gathering lines are unregulated, the city doesn't know where they are, and they're buried so you can't see them."

The recent surge in drilling also has led California lawmakers to write new laws to increase oversight of the industry.

Assemblyman Bill Wieckowski, D-Fremont, is sponsoring a bill now pending before a state Senate committee that would require gas and oil producers to disclose what chemicals they are using when they engage in hydraulic fracturing.

"If we're on this cusp of a boom then maybe we at the very least need to know where these lines are," Wieckowski said.


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Associated Press


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Questions of the Week: Ryan?s Budget, Earmarks

Do you think that Rep. Paul Ryan?s budget blueprint will help or hurt your party politically?

Democrats (25 votes)

Help a lot: 64%
Help a little:?32%
No impact:?0%
Hurt a little:?0%
Hurt a lot:?0%
Other (volunteered):?4%

Help a lot

?It underscores our differences on issues people understand and agree with Democrats on. We should send Paul a thank-you note.?

?Ryan is a naive but true believer who is certain in his beliefs, notwithstanding their utter Darwinian nature.?

?Eliminating Medicare and Social Security so millionaires don?t have to pay more in taxes isn?t very popular.?

?Much focus will be on Medicare, but equally compelling is the fact, given the tax treatment of the wealthy, [his plan] is totally unserious about balancing the budget.?

?His budget is out of touch with the American people.?

Help a little

?It?s profoundly disturbing that such an extreme proposal that recklessly reduces domestic spending on the most vulnerable populations in this country, as well as being devoid of any implementable solutions to reduce the deficit and eliminate
the national debt, is the product of a compromise between rival factions of the Republican Party.?

?Ryan deserves credit for earnestly trying to tackle the challenge. His approach is way off, though. This year?s proposal didn?t seem to get the same traction as last year?s, but it still fuels the messaging fire.?


?I honestly don?t know.?


Do you think that Rep. Paul Ryan?s budget blueprint will help or hurt your party politically?

Republicans (24 votes)?

Help a lot: 42%
Help a little: 46%
No impact: 8%
Hurt a little: 0%
Hurt a lot: 0%
Other (volunteered): 4%

Help a lot

?It will reinforce that it was the Republicans who were serious about spending cuts, especially when people need to be reminded in September, when Congress will have to vote on raising the debt ceiling once again.?

?Elections are about leadership and contrasts. Obama and the Democrats won?t lead. Ryan and House Republicans will. That will be what voters remember in November.?

?The benefits of a contrast help with our base and fiscal independents.?

?It will show how our party has meaningful solutions to solve our nation?s problems, especially financial ones.?

?It is the responsible thing to do. We cannot keep ignoring the deficits and pretending they will magically disappear. This budget is not as conservative as the [Republican Study Committee?s] budget. It is a sensible plan forward.?

?Senate Democrats haven?t put anything forward and rejected President Obama?s last budget, 97-0. If you can?t put together a budget, you can?t lead.?

Help a little

?It shows that the GOP is serious about making tough choices.?

?It would help a lot more if the media treated it as the political breakthrough that it is. It is time for the Democrats to put their ideas on the table as well.?

?To compare it to a poker game, we might only have a couple aces, but the president has nothing and the Senate has folded.?

No impact

?Good policy for GOP base, but budget-balancing so many decades out undermines the fiscal-responsibility message.?


?Only time will tell, but this is as much a tax-reform plan as it is a budget. We still don?t have enough details about entitlement reform to make a strong public case for these kinds of cuts.?


In light of the difficulty moving a transportation bill through Congress, should the ban on earmarks be reconsidered?

Democrats (25 votes)

Yes: 56%
No: 40%
Other (volunteered): 4%


?I never thought all the power should be given to the executive branch, but it won?t happen for a while due to lack of political courage.?

?It is a silly ban that transfers power to the executive branch.?

?Congressionally directed spending is essential for the system to work in these highly partisan times.?

?The legislative branch needs to act like one by serving the needs of the districts, including local projects of merit.?

?It?s the earmarks, stupid!?


?Not sure if that?s the real problem here.?

?I believe the House should simply take up consideration of the Senate-passed bill and pass it if they can.?

?It?s a bad, bad bill. No earmarks can cure this legislation.?


?Earmarks that are requested only by two or more local governments, and are prohibited if any contributor would benefit, would make sense.?


In light of the difficulty moving a transportation bill through Congress, should the ban on earmarks be reconsidered?

Republicans (23 votes)?

Yes: 4%
No: 96%


?Earmarks were a distraction, and we haven?t regained the public?s trust enough to show we can be trusted again.?

?The ban on earmarks is achieving exactly what Americans want?less spending in Washington.?

?We are finally debating transportation policy and reform rather than merely rubber-stamping a project-driven bill. Can?t go back to bad ol? days.?

?The ban forces good bills to come to the House floor and makes for better laws for the American people.?

?The earmark ban is an important reform in the effort to restore the public?s trust in Congress.?

?Drive on.?

?The American people won?t stand for it.?

?Although it would be fun to see how pure the most self-righteous among us would be.?

?The public just doesn?t like earmarks, period. The House should just take the Senate bill, amend it, but vote on it. Our NO caucus is never going to vote for anything. We need to govern. This is a jobs issue.?

?Not this year. But it should not be renewed in the next Congress. Banning earmarks may be good politics, but it is bad policy and it inhibits a smooth legislative process.?

?Money should be block-granted to states for them to spend on local projects.?

?We do not need earmarks because Congress people abuse them. There needs to be a process where local needs can compete fairly against other local needs, as the legislative branch has the purse strings and the president should not be the only one to make those decisions.?

?Earmarks should not be brought back for political expediency; they should be brought back because it is the role of Congress to direct federal spending to the districts its members know best and work to represent.?


Democratic Congressional Insiders Sens. Sherrod Brown, Ben Cardin, Thomas Carper, Christopher A. Coons, Mark Pryor, Tom Udall; Reps. Jason Altmire, Robert Andrews, Tammy Baldwin, Karen Bass, Xavier Becerra, Howard Berman, Lois Capps, Michael Capuano, Dennis Cardoza, James Clyburn, Gerry Connolly, Joseph Crowley, Diana DeGette, Rosa DeLauro, Elliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Bob Filner, Rush Holt, Mike Honda, Marcy Kaptur, Jim Langevin, John Lewis, Zoe Lofgren, Ed Markey, Jim McGovern, Jim Moran, Gary Peters, Collin Peterson, David Price, Linda Sanchez, Kurt Schrader, Allyson Schwartz, Jose Serrano, Bennie Thompson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Peter Welch, and Frederica Wilson.

GOP Congressional Insiders Sens. Johnny Isakson, Richard Lugar, David Vitter; Reps. John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Kevin Brady, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, John Carter, Tom Cole, Mike Conaway, Jeff Denham, David Dreier, Sean Duffy, Jo Ann Emerson, Jeff Flake, Scott Garrett, Bob Goodlatte, Trey Gowdy, Kay Granger, Doc Hastings, Nan Hayworth, Tim Huelskamp, Mike Kelly, Peter King, Jack Kingston, Adam Kinzinger, John Kline, Dan Lungren, Kenny Marchant, Kevin McCarthy, Patrick McHenry, Candice Miller, Sue Myrick, Devin Nunes, Tom Price, Dave Reichert, Reed Ribble, Phil Roe, Paul Ryan, Aaron Schock, David Schweikert, Austin Scott, Adrian Smith, Steve Stivers, Lee Terry, Pat Tiberi, Fred Upton, Daniel Webster, and Joe Wilson.


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MA Audio is Exclusive Car Audio Supplier for New ?Car Warriors ...

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Home / Press Releases / MA Audio is Exclusive Car Audio Supplier for New ?Car Warriors? Season

?BREA, CALIFORNIA. ? MA Audio?, has signed on once again as the exclusive car audio supplier for the second season series of ?Car Warriors,? which can be seen ?Wednesdays on SPEED at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT. Car Warriors is an all new reality car building competition series that reaches what MA Audio? considers the core demographic for mobile audio enthusiasts.

Car Warriors is a competition unlike any other. Every week, two of the country?s most talented and colorful local garages will have one crazy challenge: Build an ENTIRE CAR from a piece of junk ? in just 48 hours. It?s the ultimate car building competition.

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The judging this season will be done by Jimmy Shine, he will be judging every detailed modification done on these vehicles. Jimmy Shine is well-known and world famous automotive fabricator in the industry. He is star of a television show Hard Shine, and is the lead fabricator at the world famous So-Cal Speed Shop. Many of his customized bikes and cars have been featured in Rod & Custom, Popular Hot Rodding and Speedhunter magazines. A racer and member of Utah?s Bonneville 200-mph Club, Shine has built motorcycles for Billy Idol, Mickey Rourke and Bruce Springsteen.

For more information about Car Warriors, visit the SPEED website at Be sure to stay tuned on newly released MA Audio products used on the show and the entire line of aftermarket competition mobile audio products. You may contact them at 800-THUMP-IT or mail MA Audio 1050 W. Central Avenue, Suite A, Brea, California 92821, or visit them online at

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Another Child Falls Through the Cracks in Ohio

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Alex Smith signs three-year deal with 49ers

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) ? No hard feelings on Alex Smith's part that the San Francisco 49ers pursued Peyton Manning.

In the end, Smith is right back where he expected to be all along ? with the only franchise he has ever known.

The free agent quarterback signed his three-year deal with the 49ers at last on Wednesday. It will pay him $8 million per season with $16.5 million guaranteed, according to a person with knowledge of the contract.

The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity Wednesday because the contract details weren't made public, said Smith's deal can pay him up to $33 million.

Smith signed at team headquarters a day after Manning was formally introduced in Denver after the 49ers pursued the four-time NFL MVP. San Francisco coach Jim Harbaugh worked out Manning at Duke last week.

"Not offended at all. I would have relished the opportunity to compete for the starting quarterback job with Peyton Manning," Smith said. "I feel I've been through way worse than this. Free agency is always going to be a little crazy, maybe this year more than most. You get to a point you stop worrying about that stuff."

The 27-year-old Smith met with Miami on Sunday but ultimately decided to stay put with the storied franchise that drafted him first overall in 2005. Smith said his talks with the Dolphins during a 5 ?-hour meeting "seemed serious at the time."

Smith said Harbaugh and general manager Trent Baalke came to see him to inform the quarterback they were going to pursue Manning.

"Obviously it was a little unexpected, but that's part of the deal. This is free agency and this is the NFL, and those things happen," Smith said.

Everybody involved seemed relieved Wednesday to move ahead with preparations for 2012. The 49ers last week added wide receivers Randy Moss and Mario Manningham ? and Smith is eager to get to work with them soon.

"Thanks for choosing the 49ers Alex. Sorry it was a tough week," 49ers CEO Jed York said Wednesday on Twitter.

Smith had a breakthrough season last year, throwing for 3,150 yards and 17 touchdowns to help San Francisco reach the NFC title game.

Both sides made it clear after the Niners' 20-17 overtime loss to the eventual Super Bowl champion New York Giants in the NFC championship game that they planned to work out a new deal.

It just took a little while longer than expected after Manning briefly entered the picture.

"We are pleased that Alex has chosen to continue his career as a 49er," Baalke said. "His contributions were instrumental to our success in 2011, and we look forward to the continued growth of our offense under his leadership."

Smith and Harbaugh built a strong working relationship in a matter of months, and Smith has long said he understands the business side of the NFL. So, it shouldn't take long for Harbaugh and Smith to start looking forward to making another special run in 2012.

"It's a very strong relationship," Harbaugh told reporters while leaving team headquarters Tuesday, noting nothing had changed in Smith being "our guy."

Smith reiterated that Wednesday.

"As good as they've always been and getting better," he said of his dealings with Harbaugh. "The thing from Day 1, when I first met coach Harbaugh, is he's always been up front and always been honest with me. He's continued to do that during this entire process. That's one of the reasons I love playing for him, so no question. Now, obviously looking forward to having an offseason with him."

Last spring, Harbaugh handed over his playbook to Smith during a brief lifting of the lockout ? a show of confidence in the QB even though he wasn't under contract. Smith wound up re-signing for $4.9 million, then earned a $1 million bonus for making the playoffs as the 49ers ended an eight-year stretch without a postseason berth or winning record.

Now, he is getting some job security and a nice raise to boot.

"Really the money wasn't the issue. Money is great for security but I'm not a guy who has a bunch of flashy cars," Smith said.

York had said the team's three-year offer still stood despite the pursuit of Manning, and it was just up to Smith to sign. The quarterback said he didn't have a problem that his agency, CAA Sports, was also negotiating and representing Manning.

"I'm glad that this is finally done. For me this was the plan all along," Smith said. "Since the season ended I wanted to be back here. It dragged out a little bit but I'm glad it's over. Glad it's done. Glad to get back to work."

Long booed by his home fans at Candlestick Park, Smith had only five interceptions last year as San Francisco went 13-3 to win its first division title since 2002. That was a remarkable turnaround under first-year coach and 15-year NFL quarterback Harbaugh ? the NFL coach of the year ? who declared his confidence in Smith as a winner from Day 1 when Harbaugh was hired away from Stanford in January 2011.

San Francisco went 6-2 on the road and won four of those games in comeback fashion ? and Smith rallied his team from behind five times in all, not to mention a 36-32 victory against the favored Saints in the NFC divisional playoffs. Smith completed a 14-yard touchdown pass to Davis with 9 seconds left to seal it after Drew Brees had put his team ahead.

Smith said he was ready to battle Manning for the No. 1 job in training camp if it came to that.

"I know that this is my job. I feel like I've earned it," Smith said. "I've earned the right to compete for it. I've always welcomed competition and will continue to welcome it."


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012


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