Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ontario Equestrian Federation Supports Horse Racing Industry

The Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) is in complete support of horse racing in the Province of?Ontario. ?Its continued stability is critical to the economic health of Ontario?s entire horse industry.?Ontario racing supports 60,000 jobs, many of these positions being situated in rural settings where?the possibility of obtaining similar employment would be unlikely. ?As with other sectors of the horse?industry, these jobs provide a healthy living for thousands of tax contributing families, helping to?create and support vibrant rural communities. ?These communities represent the historic ?grass?roots? foundations of this province.

The trickle down effect of any negative impact to the racing community is potentially incalculable.?The racing industry cites a contribution of over $2 billion to Ontario?s economy each year through?wages and salaries including those of veterinarians, farriers, farmers, bedding suppliers, feed mills,?stable suppliers and tack suppliers. However, there are many whose income is not attributed to this?estimate. Local businesses such as local restaurants, gas bars, barn builders, and trailer manufacturers?will also experience an immense financial shock, not to mention the hit that the automotive sector?will experience. Numerous university programs, including extensive and expensive equine research,?benefiting and improving the health of horses throughout the world, are conducted using funds?provided by racing organizations.

The horse breeding industry in Ontario for all disciplines, including racing, is the strongest in Canada,?providing tremendous opportunities for education and employment. ?The continued stability and?strength of Ontario?s Thoroughbred, Standardbred and Quarter Horse breeding operations is reliant?on a strong racing program. Of serious concern to the OEF is the welfare of many of these animals?if racing was no longer viable. ?This could potentially create a delicate and critical horse welfare?situation, which would be greatly alarming for everyone.

A healthy racing industry creates an environment of information, economic and professional crosspollination, where expertise benefits all areas of the horse community. It would be extremely?detrimental at all levels, if this were no longer the case.

Source: http://www.therider.com/rider/oef-supports-horse-racing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=oef-supports-horse-racing

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