Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Allergies? Your sneeze is a biological response to the nose's 'blue screen of death'

Allergies? Your sneeze is a biological response to the nose's 'blue screen of death' [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jul-2012
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Contact: Cody Mooneyhan
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that sneezing is the body's natural reboot and that patients with disorders of the nose such as sinusitis can't reboot, explaining why they sneeze more often than others

Who would have thought that our noses and Microsoft Windows' infamous blue screen of death could have something in common? But that's the case being made by a new research report appearing online in The FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.org). Specifically, scientists now know exactly why we sneeze, what sneezing should accomplish, and what happens when sneezing does not work properly. Much like a temperamental computer, our noses require a "reboot" when overwhelmed, and this biological reboot is triggered by the pressure force of a sneeze. When a sneeze works properly, it resets the environment within nasal passages so "bad" particles breathed in through the nose can be trapped. The sneeze is accomplished by biochemical signals that regulate the beating of cilia (microscopic hairs) on the cells that line our nasal cavities.

"While sinusitis rarely leads to death, it has a tremendous impact on quality of life, with the majority of symptoms coming from poor clearance of mucus," said Noam A. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "By understanding the process by which patients with sinusitis do not clear mucus from their nose and sinuses, we can try to develop new strategies to compensate for their poor mucus clearance and improve their quality of life."

To make this discovery, Cohen and colleagues used cells from the noses of mice which were grown in incubators and measured how these cells cleared mucus. They examined how the cells responded to a simulated sneeze (puff of air) by analyzing the cells' biochemical responses. Some of the experiments were replicated in human sinus and nasal tissue removed from patients with and without sinusitis. They found that cells from patients with sinusitis do not respond to sneezes in the same manner as cells obtained from patients who do not have sinusitis. The researchers speculate that sinusitis patients sneeze more frequently because their sneezes fail to reset the nasal environment properly or are less efficient at doing so. Further understanding of why sinusitis patients have this difficulty could aid in the development of more effective medications or treatments.

"I'm confident that modern biochemical studies of ciliary beating frequency will help us find new treatments for chronic sinusitis," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "I'm far less confident in our abilities to resolve messy computer crashes. We now know why we sneeze. Computer crashes are likely to be a mystery forever."


Receive monthly highlights from The FASEB Journal by e-mail. Sign up at http://www.faseb.org/fjupdate.aspx. The FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.org) is published by the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and is among the most cited biology journal worldwide according to the Institute for Scientific Information. In 2010, the journal was recognized by the Special Libraries Association as one of the top 100 most influential biomedical journals of the past century. FASEB is composed of 26 societies with more than 100,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Celebrating 100 Years of Advancing the Life Sciences in 2012, FASEB is rededicating its efforts to advance health and well-being by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

Ke-Qing Zhao, Andrew T. Cowan, Robert J. Lee, Natalia Goldstein, Karla Droguett, Bei Chen, Chunquan Zheng, Manuel Villalon, James N. Palmer, James L. Kreindler, and Noam A. Cohen. Molecular modulation of airway epithelial ciliary response to sneezing. FASEB J. doi:10.1096/fj.11-202184; http://www.fasebj.org/content/26/8/3178.abstract

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Allergies? Your sneeze is a biological response to the nose's 'blue screen of death' [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jul-2012
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Contact: Cody Mooneyhan
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that sneezing is the body's natural reboot and that patients with disorders of the nose such as sinusitis can't reboot, explaining why they sneeze more often than others

Who would have thought that our noses and Microsoft Windows' infamous blue screen of death could have something in common? But that's the case being made by a new research report appearing online in The FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.org). Specifically, scientists now know exactly why we sneeze, what sneezing should accomplish, and what happens when sneezing does not work properly. Much like a temperamental computer, our noses require a "reboot" when overwhelmed, and this biological reboot is triggered by the pressure force of a sneeze. When a sneeze works properly, it resets the environment within nasal passages so "bad" particles breathed in through the nose can be trapped. The sneeze is accomplished by biochemical signals that regulate the beating of cilia (microscopic hairs) on the cells that line our nasal cavities.

"While sinusitis rarely leads to death, it has a tremendous impact on quality of life, with the majority of symptoms coming from poor clearance of mucus," said Noam A. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "By understanding the process by which patients with sinusitis do not clear mucus from their nose and sinuses, we can try to develop new strategies to compensate for their poor mucus clearance and improve their quality of life."

To make this discovery, Cohen and colleagues used cells from the noses of mice which were grown in incubators and measured how these cells cleared mucus. They examined how the cells responded to a simulated sneeze (puff of air) by analyzing the cells' biochemical responses. Some of the experiments were replicated in human sinus and nasal tissue removed from patients with and without sinusitis. They found that cells from patients with sinusitis do not respond to sneezes in the same manner as cells obtained from patients who do not have sinusitis. The researchers speculate that sinusitis patients sneeze more frequently because their sneezes fail to reset the nasal environment properly or are less efficient at doing so. Further understanding of why sinusitis patients have this difficulty could aid in the development of more effective medications or treatments.

"I'm confident that modern biochemical studies of ciliary beating frequency will help us find new treatments for chronic sinusitis," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "I'm far less confident in our abilities to resolve messy computer crashes. We now know why we sneeze. Computer crashes are likely to be a mystery forever."


Receive monthly highlights from The FASEB Journal by e-mail. Sign up at http://www.faseb.org/fjupdate.aspx. The FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.org) is published by the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and is among the most cited biology journal worldwide according to the Institute for Scientific Information. In 2010, the journal was recognized by the Special Libraries Association as one of the top 100 most influential biomedical journals of the past century. FASEB is composed of 26 societies with more than 100,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Celebrating 100 Years of Advancing the Life Sciences in 2012, FASEB is rededicating its efforts to advance health and well-being by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

Ke-Qing Zhao, Andrew T. Cowan, Robert J. Lee, Natalia Goldstein, Karla Droguett, Bei Chen, Chunquan Zheng, Manuel Villalon, James N. Palmer, James L. Kreindler, and Noam A. Cohen. Molecular modulation of airway epithelial ciliary response to sneezing. FASEB J. doi:10.1096/fj.11-202184; http://www.fasebj.org/content/26/8/3178.abstract

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/foas-ays073112.php

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Struggling Calif. cities looking to tax hikes - KansasCity.com

There's a new twist emerging as some of California's most financially troubled cities look for ways out of their predicaments: They're declaring fiscal emergencies so they can quickly get tax hike initiatives on local November ballots.

Leaders are turning most often to an increase in the local sales tax. But there also are proposals for hikes on utility taxes, parcel taxes and, in the Los Angeles-area city of El Monte, a proposal to tax sugary drinks.Last month's bankruptcy filing by Stockton, quickly followed by one in Mammoth Lakes and then San Bernardino's sudden declaration of a fiscal emergency and plan to file for bankruptcy drew attention to an increasingly common theme - some communities battered by the economy and unable to control costs now are heading toward insolvency.El Monte finance director Julio Morales said San Bernardino was a wakeup call. Local officials declared a fiscal emergency last week, clearing the way for a ballot question asking residents to approve a 1 cent-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened drinks. Local officials think the tax would bring in up to $7 million per year."We don't want to wait like San Bernardino and say, 'We can't make payroll,'" Morales said.La Mirada, Fairfield and Culver City are among other communities that declared fiscal emergencies this year and placed sales tax increases on their ballots. The Orange County community of Stanton declared a fiscal emergency, got a utility tax question on the June ballot and voters rejected it. Now the city may try again in November.It's unusual and perhaps unprecedented for so many cities to declare fiscal crises in such a short period."It is relatively new - and a sign of desperation," said David Brunori, professor of public policy at George Washington University who specializes in tax policy and has studied state and local finance in California.A "fiscal emergency" requires a unanimous vote by a community's governing body, usually a city council. Such a declaration allows cities to more quickly place a tax question before voters, rather than waiting up to two years for the next scheduled local election.That so many cities are choosing this route causes David Kline, spokesman for the California Taxpayers Association, to speculate some local leaders may be "crying wolf." He surmised some officials are declaring an "emergency" because it enhances the chances for passing a tax question and saves them from having to make deeper cuts."If the city has a track record of mismanaging money and not doing anything to control spending and that's why it's near bankruptcy, the voters will probably be disinclined to give them more money," he said. "But if the city can show they've been hit by economic changes, voters might be more forgiving."There is strong anti-tax sentiment in California these days, based at least partly on skepticism that elected officials will use the money wisely. That helps explain why a proposed increase in the state's cigarette tax -an idea usually popular with the public - was defeated in June.Local officials who favor tax hikes believe residents will recognize the need for more money rather than more budget cuts. But muddying the prospects for local tax hikes is Gov. Jerry Brown's tax initiative. It would raise the income tax for people making more than $250,000 per year, and would boost the state sales tax by a quarter-cent. Brown has warned of further state cuts if his plan loses.Conventional wisdom holds that voters are more likely to pass taxes at the local level. But a surfeit of revenue measures on the November ballot could overwhelm voters."My prediction is that people are going to reject tax hikes at all levels of government," Brunori said. "It's not that they don't like government - they do. But they really don't like bad government."Voters in Stanton rejected a tax hike last month, prompting cuts in police and fire staffing. A sign at the entrance to Hollenbeck Park - a long, narrow swath stretching beneath massive power lines and equipped with benches, winding paths and a colorful jungle gym - reads "Park closed due to budget cuts - no trespassing allowed."City Manager Carol Jacobs said the cuts to police and fire have nearly balanced the city's budget That's a big improvement from earlier in the year, when she warned the city could eventually face bankruptcy due to the drop in tax revenues.But Jacobs said Stanton will need more money in the coming years, and getting a tax question before voters is more responsible than delaying any action until the city's reserves are gone."It's like waiting to look for a job until you have no savings and your house gets foreclosed on," she said.Going back to voters for a tax increase carries risk, said Roy Ulrich, who teaches tax and communication policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at University of California, Berkeley."Local electeds are also subject to voter approval, and if they keep asking for tax increases that are turned down, their own jobs will be in peril," he said. "Voters can get angry and say, 'You didn't try to cut spending, you just came to us and asked for a tax increase.'"

Source: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/07/30/3732629/struggling-calif-cities-looking.html

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A's top O's, improve to 18-3 in July


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:25 p.m. ET July 28, 2012

BALTIMORE (AP) - The Oakland Athletics knew they had the potential to be one of the best teams in the majors.

They're now putting that talent on full display, and the results have thrust the surging A's to the brink of the best July in franchise history.

Yoenis Cespedes and Chris Carter hit two-run homers to back an effective pitching performance by Bartolo Colon, and Oakland beat the Baltimore Orioles 6-1 Saturday night for its ninth win in 10 games.

Jemile Weeks had three hits and scored twice for the A's, who are 18-3 (.857) in July. With one victory in the next three games, they'll finish the month with a better winning percentage than the 1931 club (26-7, .788).

"It's been impressive - I think for a lot of people, surprising," Weeks said. "For me, I always knew that this team was going to be somebody that could make some noise, and we're just starting to show that now. It's pleasing to see at this point."

Oakland has scored 40 runs in its last four games, including 16 in Toronto on Wednesday and 14 against the Orioles in the series opener. Saturday night, the A's combined offensive firepower and strong pitching to move in position for a sweep of fading Baltimore.

"Pitching's been our strength all year," manager Bob Melvin said. "We've come around offensively here recently. Certainly, the last month's indicative because of our record, but the pitching's been there all year."

Colon (7-8) scattered seven hits over 5 2-3 shutout innings, striking out five and walking one, to earn his first win in six starts since June 12. The 39-year-old is 12-8 with a 3.10 ERA lifetime against Baltimore, dating to 1998 when he pitched for Cleveland.

Nick Markakis' ninth-inning homer off Evan Scribner enabled the Orioles to avoid being blanked for the eighth time. Baltimore went down in order only once but stranded 11, went 0 for 6 with men in scoring position and lost for the fifth time in six games.

"They're trying. It's just not happening," manager Buck Showalter said. "I see them trying firsthand. It's not for lack of effort or lack of attention to what's causing it. When they do hit the ball on the button and it's right at somebody, it's frustrating. But if they keep going it will happen. It's not like it hasn't happened all year."

Tommy Hunter (4-6) gave up five runs and seven hits in 5 1-3 innings. The right-hander has yielded 24 home runs this season, at least one in all but two of his 16 starts.

"They hit two pretty darn good pitches," he said. "Outside of that, it is what it is."

Oakland broke on top in the fourth when Weeks led off with a single and Cespedes hit his 14th home run. The Orioles got a hit in each of the first four innings but failed four times to produce with runners in scoring position.

The Athletics made it 3-0 in the fifth. Kurt Suzuki hit an opposite-field double to right and scored on a single by Eric Sogard.

Carter chased Hunter in the sixth with a drive to left after Seth Smith hit a leadoff single. It was Carter's eighth homer since rejoining the A's on June 29.

"We're seeing Chris Carter (be) the guy we all hoped and anticipated him being," Melvin said. "Right now, he's quite a force and one of the reasons that, offensively, we've been so good this month."

In the bottom half, the Orioles got singles from Wilson Betemit and Mark Reynolds before Jordan Norberto struck out Omar Quintanilla to end the inning.

Adam Jones grounded out in the Baltimore seventh with two outs and runners on second and third.

Weeks singled and scored on a triple by Cespedes in the eighth.

NOTES: After the game, the Orioles optioned RHP Miguel Socolovich to Triple-A Norfolk. ... A's leadoff hitter Coco Crisp left in the eighth with tightness in his left hamstring. ... Baltimore DH Jim Thome did not play because of back spasms. ... Orioles 2B Brian Roberts (groin strain) began a minor league injury rehabilitation assignment with Class A Aberdeen on Saturday. Showalter said Roberts would be reevaluated after two games there. . Baltimore C Matt Wieters reported that his tight right biceps felt much better and said he expected to play Sunday. He has missed two games with the injury. . Oakland OF Josh Reddick was absent from the starting lineup a day after he crashed into the right-field scoreboard to make a game-ending catch. ... Travis Blackley (3-2) makes his first career start against Baltimore in the series finale. Wei-Yin Chen will pitch for the Orioles. ... Oakland LHP Dallas Braden's recovery from shoulder surgery was stalled in Arizona when he suffered a strained left groin while throwing. He has been shut down

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, July 30, 2012

Six Flags roller coaster in California stalls with riders on board

Rescuers have unloaded twelve people who were stuck on a Superman roller coaster at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Calif. after the ride stalled, a park spokesperson reports.

Witnesses said the ride stopped at the highest point around 2:30 p.m.

According to KTVU.com, the Superman ride was checked Sunday morning and no problems were found.

"The ride will be closed for a thorough safety inspection and will reopen when the inspection is complete," Nancy Chan, the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom spokesperson, said in a press release.

The Superman ride opened June 30 and is 15 stories tall at its highest point and reaches speeds of 62 mph.

Click for more from KTVU.com.

Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/national/~3/6vz6u0Yo8ro/

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Why You Need Karmic Meditation For True Happiness ...

Meditating in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, ...

Meditating in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Bad Karma (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Why You Need ?Karmic Meditation?
Do you want a low level, depressing disappointing life-style??Of course you don?t!
Do you want all of life?s goodies? Lots of love, self-confidence, happiness and enough wealth to lead the sort of life that you want??Of course you do!?Everybody does!
So what holds you back?
Why are so many of you disappointed with the way life is treating you?
Well, lots of things can hold you back. Things like:
Karmic Action And It?s Good Or Bad Effects
Well, the MAIN problem is YOU. Your major problem is that you do not fully understand the Law of Karma, how important it is in ?your present life and how it effects all your future re-incarnations.
There are also problems with your self confidence, your way of thinking and what you do or don?t do. ?There are many other reasons but these are probably the ones for most people.
Karma, your self confidence, your way of thinking and your actions will work together to give you the sort of life that you are getting right now. Now that is fine, if the sort of life that you are getting right now is the sort of life that you really want. But if the sort of life that you are getting right now is not exactly the sort of life that you want, then you must make changes. YOU must make changes in you.
Nobody else can make the changes. You must do it. You must make those changes in YOURself. In your confidence, your way of thinking and what you do or don?t do!
You can see the sense there can?t you?

If you carry on doing the exact same things that you have always done, you will keep on getting exactly the same sort of life that you you are having now.
If you want your life to change, then you must change the things that you do.

What Can Meditation Do?
Meditation provides many almost magical methods for changing your life. You can use it to build up your Good Karma and, at the same time, cut down on anxiety, unhappiness and depression. This will make your life happier.You can use it to turn your life completely around, you can use it to get the things you want and you can use it to put power into any self-improvement?targets that you are working on. Personal programmes such as weight loss, building intimate relationships or getting wealthy can all be helped by using it ?It will help you set up, stick at and achieve the targets that you want up for yourself.
Other Benefits You Will Get
While you may be using meditation for any of the above or even other purposes, I would like to point out something else of great benefit to you. While you are meditating, and it doesn?t matter why you are doing it, you get side effects. Here are three of the most important, most beneficial and most powerful side effects:
1)The Best Side Effect
?As you meditate, you produce a small but steady flow of hormones ?that make you feel good. I make use of this effect. If ever I feel problems building up, I increase my mediTation (please note, meditaTion, not mediCation ?lol). ?This increases my flow of the ?happy? hormones. The ?happy? hormones enable me to always be on top of things, to always feel good and always act positively. This is a good way of dealing with bouts of self doubt, anxiety or depression. It is a fantastic skill for you to work on. If you keep working on it, it becomes easy to use and more powerful. This skill plus regular meditation will keep you moving forward. It will allow you to by-pass any problems or set-backs on your way to the plans that you have for your life.
The way to build up this skill is to become aware of any signs of a happy feeling caused by your meditation. Perhaps it may only be very slight at first, but it can often be quite strong and easy to notice. When you notice it concentrate on where you feel it it and how it feels. Amplify and allow it to spread. At present this may sound difficult. Let me tell you that once you get into your meditating, you will quickly notice this feeling. And you will easily amplify it and be able to let it spread.
2)Keep Your Karma Working For You
When you are meditating and producing these ?happy? hormones you are living in tune with the Laws of Nature, you are in tune with the Cosmos and you act in harmony with the people around you. This will build a strong flow of good Karma. This will enable you to be even more on top of things, to feel even better and act even positively. This is a?positive?loop. To always be on top of things, to always feel good and always act positively produces good Karma. Good Karma produces even more of those good things in your attitude to your life. Around and ?around they go, feeding each other. And growing ever stronger. And the opposite is true. When you are depressed about thing, anxious or miserable about things, you are producing toxic chemicals in your bloodstream. You are building Bad Karma for ?you for your future. You are making sure that you will have even more anxiety, sadness and depression. The Law Of Attraction says that what you focus on will come to you. So stop focusing on negative, harmful things.You could be building up a chain of Bad Karma that will ruin your life. Not only your life now, not only your lie in the immediate future but also your next life. And, possibly your next couple of lives.?Start meditating and focus on the positive effects that it produces in you. Effects like Love, Peace and Happiness. These will have an effect on your life right now, in your immediate immediate future. And, if you keep doing it, your next couple of lives.
3) Your Luck Will Change!
As 1) and 2)are taking place in your life, you will notice something else.?Your luck will start to change.?You will notice lots of lucky things begin to happen.?Good things start appear in your life. This is the good Karma starting to work for you. The good Karmic vibrations, that you are causing, are building up and coming back to you. You are becoming one of The Happy People.?Why not click on the Facebook sign below and share this article with a friend? We have our own Facebook page at:?http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karma/200040216673445? ?Please join and post something there.

Love, Peace and Happiness, Tommy

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Source: http://happinessguru.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/meditation-karma-happiness/

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wacko Libertarian Group Compares Obama to Colorado Killer (Little green footballs)

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NBC gets Twitter backlash over Olympics, but record TV audience

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - NBC on Sunday announced more record audiences for its prime-time TV coverage of the London Olympics, even as the Twitterverse erupted in complaints about the U.S. network's online streaming efforts and delays in broadcasting key competitions.

Contributions to the Twitter hashtags #NBCfail and #NBCsucks surged on Sunday, with many posters complaining about the quality of NBCUniversal's online platform, which promised to show every sporting contest live for those unwilling to wait hours for the network's main primetime coverage of the day's events.

"you suck! I can't stream anything because your website is broken. It even verified directtv account, just to tease me. #NBCFail" read a posting to #NBCfail on Sunday by Twitter user Beth Hodgson.

Others complained about the plethora of ads interrupting NBC's coverage across multiple broadcast and cable outlets, and commentary by some of the NBC anchors.

"Finally got @nbcolympics live stream working online only to find it full of ads & streaming issues," Cindy Gallop said on Twitter.

NBC top sports executives were in London and could not be reached for comment on Sunday because of the time difference with the United States. But NBC Olympics producer Jim Bell took to Twitter to respond briefly to some of the gripes early on Sunday.

"Coverage on both net & cables a mix of tape and live events. Yesterday nearly 40 hours of live Oly sports on television btw," Bell tweeted.


Despite the grumbling, NBC said on Sunday that a record 28.7 million U.S. viewers watched its primetime coverage on Saturday's first day of competition, when popular swimmer Michael Phelps was shut out of the medals for the first time in years.

NBC said Saturday's evening audience was 2 million more than watched the first day of competition during the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. An average 12.3 million U.S. viewers watched the Olympics on television on Saturday morning - a 56 percent increase over the Saturday daytime audience for Beijing in 2008, the network said.

NBCUniversal, which is majority owned by cable operator Comcast Corp, paid $1.18 billion for the U.S. rights to broadcast the London Games, and has won $1 billion in advertising for its Olympic broadcasts over the next three weeks.

It is planning an unprecedented 5,500 hours of cover across its cable and free-to-air outlets, and its NBCOlympics.com website - more than double the hours devoted to the Beijing Games.

NBC drew a record 40.7 million U.S. television audience for Friday's opening ceremony from London, despite complaints that Americans had to wait for up to seven hours to watch the ceremony.

Those wanting to watch online must have an account with a cable television or satellite provider, or download an app from NBC. According to the Nielsen company, about 90 percent of Americans subscribe to either cable or satellite services.

Not everyone was unhappy with NBC's efforts however.

"I'm watching tons of live events on NBC's Olympics app. I don't understand the #nbcfail nagging. Bonus: No commentary, just game sound!" Twitter user Mtolander posted on Sunday.

Brad Adgate, media analyst for Horizon Media in New York, told Reuters on Sunday: "Whatever NBC does they will receive criticism, especially in the Social Media Olympics, you can't please everyone. TV though remains the big ad revenue producer and they paid 1.18 billion dollars, so what do you expect?"

Adgate said the strong ratings for the London games were surprising, especially for an Olympics outside the United States.

"It's one thing to run ahead of Beijing, but quite another to be running ahead of Atlanta," Adgate said.

(Reporting By Jill Serjeant; Additional reporting by Liana Baker; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nbc-gets-twitter-backlash-over-olympics-record-tv-223330074--finance.html

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chevron 2Q net income slips 7 percent

NEW YORK (AP) ? A soaring profit at Chevron's refineries eased some of the pain of a weaker second quarter.

The oil giant said Friday net income fell nearly 7 percent to $7.21 billion, or $3.66 per share. But the results beat expectations thanks to a strong performance from its refinery business.

The company's stock price rose 99 cents to close at $109.26 Friday.

Like its peers, the oil giant is struggling to find and replace its sources of petroleum. The world's slowing economy has also pushed down prices for the crude it sells.

But the lower prices had benefits. Profits at Chevron's refining and marketing business rose 80 percent. Its refineries paid less for oil while selling gasoline at higher prices on the U.S. West Coast. Pump prices there remained well above the national average last quarter because of supply problems in the region. The business also sold about $200 million in assets, including its stake in a South Korean energy business.

"They've done a good job of cutting dead weight from their portfolio," Morningstar Inc. analyst Allen Good said. "Their refining business, especially in California, was especially strong."

But the help that lower oil prices gave Chevron's refineries hurt its other business ? finding and selling crude and natural gas.

Earnings from its exploration and production business fell 18 percent to $5.62 billion. Chevron, the second-largest U.S. petroleum company behind Exxon Mobil, sold oil for lower prices in the U.S. and overseas. Natural gas fetched only half as much in the U.S. as it did a year earlier. Production from its global network of oil and natural gas wells declined 2.6 percent.

Profits also fell in the second quarter for Royal Dutch Shell, Occidental Petroleum Corp. and ConocoPhillips. Exxon Mobil profits rose, but that was due to a big one-time gain from the sale of Japanese assets. BP reports its second-quarter financial results next week.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chevron-2q-net-income-slips-7-percent-191703220--finance.html

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Memories of Munich: ?72 Olympics cast long shadow

??Award-winning correspondent Bob Dotson?s first assignment for NBC News was at the tragedy-scarred 1972 Olympics in Munich. As the Games marking the 40th anniversary of the massacre open, he looks back at his first (but not last) encounter with terrorism.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46952788/vp/48352472#48352472

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Realtors Applaud Long-Term Reauthorization of Flood Insurance ...

WASHINGTON (July 6, 2012) ? The National Association of Realtors? applauds Congress for passing a five-year reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 was passed late last week as part of a transportation funding bill and signed into law by the president today. The legislation extends NFIP authority through September 30, 2017.

?As the nation?s leading advocate for homeownership and housing issues, we are pleased that Congress has approved a long-term reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, which ensures access to affordable flood insurance for millions of home and business owners across the country,? said NAR President Moe Veissi, broker-owner of Veissi & Associates Inc., in Miami. ?Realtors? have been advocating a long-term reauthorization of the NFIP for years. The 5-year reauthorization will end the uncertainty of NFIP stopgap extensions and shutdowns and will help bring stability to real estate markets.?

NAR has long supported the NFIP, which protects property owners in more than 21,000 communities where flood insurance is required for mortgages. More than 5.6 million property owners rely on the program against flood-related disasters, which claimed more lives and property than any other natural disaster in the U.S. over the past century. In fact, floods are the most common natural disaster in the country; since 1990 floods have been declared in every state, along rivers and anywhere rain falls or snow melts.

Without the NFIP, families and business owners across the U.S. would go without essential flood protection, since the private market cannot guarantee the availability or affordability of flood insurance. The NFIP also saves taxpayers money, since it serves as an alternative to expensive federally funded disaster relief for flood victims.

For some time now, Congress has been approving short-term extensions of the NFIP authority to issue flood insurance policies. Since September 2008 there have been more than 17 extensions, and authority has been allowed to expire two times, delaying or cancelling 1,300 real estate transactions each day of the lapse, according to NAR research. During the June 2010 lapse, NAR survey data estimates that more than 40,000 home sales were delayed or cancelled, which undermined home buyer and investor confidence.

?Realtors? praise Congress for its bipartisan leadership on this issue and thank Reps. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), Judy Biggert (R-Ill.), Barney Frank (D-Mass.), and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.); as well as Sens. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and David Vitter (R-La.) for their efforts,? said Veissi. ?Available and affordable flood insurance is essential to properly functioning real estate markets, and the certainty of a 5-year reauthorization will allow long-term real estate investments that are vital to the U.S. economic recovery.?

The National Association of Realtors?, ?The Voice for Real Estate,? is America?s largest trade association, representing 1 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.


Source: http://www.trulia.com/blog/len_leslie_marma/2012/07/realtors_applaud_long_term_reauthorization_of_flood_insurance_program

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Nas Explains How He Went From 'Life's a Bitch' To 'Life Is Good'

'There's bad, there's joy, pain, all the emotions ... life is still good, no matter what,' MC says in MTV's Hip-Hop Music Preview.
By Rebecca Thomas

Nas' Life is Good
Photo: Def Jam

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1690528/nas-life-is-good-album-lifes-a-bitch.jhtml

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US jobless claims drop by 35,000 to 353,000

(AP) ? The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits dropped by 35,000 last week, a figure that may have been distorted by seasonal factors.

The Labor Department said Thursday that applications fell to a seasonally adjusted 353,000. That's down from a revised 388,000 the previous week and the biggest drop since February 2010.

The four-week average, a less volatile measure, declined 8,750 to 367,250. That's the lowest level since the end of March.

Applications surged two weeks ago, reversing a big drop the previous week. But economists caution that the government struggles every July to account for temporary summer shutdowns in the auto industry. The adjustments have been unusually difficult this year because some automakers skipped their shutdowns in the face of stronger sales, resulting in fewer temporary layoffs.

Ford this year shut down for one week instead of its usual two. And Chrysler kept most plants running, says economist Robert Kavcic at BMO Capital Markets.

Unemployment benefit applications are a measure of the pace of layoffs. When applications consistently fall below 375,000, it typically suggests hiring is strong enough to pull the unemployment rate down.

Weekly claims are averaging 374,000 this year, down from 409,000 last year, notes Steven Wood, chief economist at Insight Economics. But he adds that the job market "is definitely not robust." Just over 6 million Americans are receiving some type of unemployment aid, down from 7.6 million a year ago.

The job market has slumped over the past three months. Employers added an average of just 75,000 jobs a month from April through June, down from a healthy 226,000 the first three months of the year.

The unemployment rate stayed at 8.2 percent in June.

The broader economy has also weakened from the start of the year.

Retail sales fell in June for the third straight month, bad news for a country that gets two-thirds of its economic output from consumer spending. Manufacturing activity shrank in June for the first time in three years, according to a closely watched survey from the Institute of Supply Management.

And the housing market, which has started to recovery this year, lost some momentum in June. The Commerce Department reported Wednesday that new-home sales fell 8 percent last month from May, the biggest drop since February 2011.

Economists are predicting growth slowed in the April-June quarter to an annual pace of just 1.5 percent, down from the tepid 1.9 percent annual pace in the first three months of the year. Growth of 1.5 percent is consistent with less than 50,000 new jobs a month.

The government issues its first estimate for second-quarter growth on Friday.

Europe's debt crisis could weaken growth further. Europe buys roughly one-fifth of U.S. exports, which have been one of the economy's few bright spots.

The British government reported Wednesday that Britain's economy shrank 0.7 percent in the April-June quarter, far worse than economists had expected. In Germany, business confidence dropped more than expected in July over increasing worries about the impact of Europe's debt crisis on the region's biggest economy. And Spain this week said the economy contracted 0.4 percent in the second quarter.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-07-26-Unemployment%20Benefits/id-a5a0ff7f2c9d4c95b11a98d45fa35e9e

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China says Bo's wife indicted for homicide: Xinhua

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has indicted Gu Kailai, the wife of deposed Communist Party politician Bo Xilai, for intentional homicide, in the latest development in a political scandal that has shaken the Party's once-in-a-decade succession.

Gu and family employee Zhang Xiaojun will be prosecuted for allegedly poisoning British businessman Neil Heywood over "conflict of economic interests" between the Heywood and Gu, the official Xinhua news agency said citing authorities.

"The facts of the two defendants' crime are clear, and the evidence is irrefutable and substantial. Therefore, the two defendants should be charged with intentional homicide," Xinhua said.

It did not give a date for the trial, but a family lawyer told Reuters it was likely to take place on August 7-8.

The announcement comes months before the ruling Communist Party unveils a new top leadership.

Heywood was poisoned after he threatened to expose a plan by a Chinese leader's wife to move money abroad, two sources with knowledge of the police investigation told Reuters in April.

Gu has been in police custody for months on suspicion of committing or arranging Heywood's murder, though no details of the motive or the crime itself had not been publicly released, other than a general comment from Chinese state media that he was killed after a financial dispute.

Bo, the 62-year-old Communist Party chief of Chongqing municipality in southwest China before his dismissal, was widely seen as pushing for a spot in that new leadership until felled by the scandal brought to light by his former police chief, Wang Lijun.

Bo was dismissed from his Chongqing post in March, and was suspended from the party's top ranks in April, when his wife Gu was named as a suspect in the November 2011 murder of Heywood, a long-time friend of the couple whose son had earlier studied in England with the help of Heywood.

Bo is under investigation for violating party discipline, and he could later face investigation for criminal charges.

Since Bo was dismissed in March, he and his wife Gu, formerly a powerful lawyer, have disappeared from public view and have not had a chance to respond publicly to the accusations against them.

The removal of Bo has triggered rifts and uncertainty, disrupting the Communist Party's usually secretive and carefully choreographed process of settling on a new central leadership in the run up to its 18th congress.

Left-wing supporters of the charismatic Bo have defended him as the instigator of a much-needed new path for China, and many of them see him as the blameless victim of a plot.

The 18th Party Congress, scheduled to be held late this year, will appoint that leadership. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao will then step down from their government posts at the National People's Congress in early 2013, when Vice President Xi Jinping is likely to succeed Hu as president.

(Reporting by Michael Martina and Nick Edwards; Editing by Jason Subler)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-says-bos-wife-prosecuted-homicide-xinhua-111928956--business.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Small Business Big Impact: Small Business Marketing Infographic | It ...

Posted by By Itster at 25 July, at 10 : 48 AM Print

Small businesses are increasingly turning to social media to get their messages out, and while it?s not a magic bullet, it does enable nearly instant connections with clients, customers and potential employees. Learn the popular marketing methods that small businesses across America are using to market their own business and making their own big impact.

Small Business Big Impact: Small Business Marketing Infographic
Via: Bolt Insurance

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Source: http://itthing.com/small-business-big-impact-small-business-marketing-infographic

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CERN Scientist Talks About Higgs Boson, Particle Colliders And End Of The World

Big BangEarlier this month, scientists from CERN announced that they had found the theoretical particle called the Higgs Boson. The entire world knew they found it, but not many people actually knew what the Higgs is, or how it's discovered. Turns out it's a pretty difficult thing to do. First, you need a really, really big machine called a particle accelerator. That machine shoots streams of particles at one another until they collide. When they collide, the energy they give off is something in the ball park of the big bang (yes, that big bang), but much smaller.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/vHevHnwut-4/

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Insurance Insider News July 25 ? Carriers Are Pressured to Adjust to ...

Subscribe to Insurance Insider News
by Leila Morris
? Carriers Are Pressured to Adjust to a Changing Landscape in 2014
? CBO Lowers Estimate of Health Reform Costs
? An Alternative to the ACA
? Growth in Healthcare Costs Slows Slightly
? Small Employers and Self-Insured Health Benefits: Too Small to Succeed?
? Get Nominated for a Vision Award
? Carriers Saw Higher Losses
? Three Plead Guilty to Life Settlement Fraud
? Wellness Plan Shown to Reduce Costs
? Many Claims Are for In-Home Services
? Fun Sketches Help Start Serious Discussions About Life Settlements
? Tips for Multi-Generational Planning
? Life Insurance Conference in Palm Beach FL
? Webinar Helps Women Deliver Effective Presentations
? Free Webinar Helps Brokers With Social Networking


Carriers Are Pressured to Adjust to a Changing Landscape in 2014

The Supreme Court?s ruling to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable?Care Act (PPACA) has not caught health insurers off guard. They have been preparing for a new health insurance environment since PPACA legislation was enacted in 2010. That new environment includes the individual mandate, guaranteed issue for coverage, and health insurance exchanges, among other provisions, according to an analysis by A.M. Best.

A.M. Best has a stable outlook on the majority of health insurers since their earnings have strengthened over the past few years, largely due to lower utilization and more diversified sources of income and revenue. Margins are expected to narrow as utilization returns to more normal levels and the effect of PPACA begins to be felt. A.M. Best expects the majority of health insurers to remain profitable.

Furthermore, health insurers have been in discussions with governors, state legislatures, insurance commissioners, departments and other parties on the importance of establishing a framework for state-based health insurance exchanges.

Much work needs to be done to make exchanges operational. Rules have yet to be defined, such as essential benefits and subsidy levels. There could be delays in implementing exchanges because there may not be enough lead time to get state-based exchanges fully operational for open enrollment for a Jan. 1, 2014 effective date.

The Supreme Court upheld the expansion of Medicaid (up to 133% of the federal poverty level). However, the Court stipulated that the federal government can not reduce or stop funding existing Medicaid programs in states that do not abide by the expansion. Some states may not implement the full expansion because of budgetary constraints and long-term cost concerns. Also, several Republican governors are opposed to implementing full expansion.

Many states are beginning to implement managed care programs for people who are dual eligible (for both Medicare and Medicaid). States have issued a flurry of requests for proposals (RFPs) for Medicaid managed care, dual-eligible programs, and long-term-care programs. Many new programs have already been implemented over the past few years and several were announced in 2012.

Best expects the Medicaid managed care sector to remain very competitive, with more carriers bidding on the contracts. Some insurers have increased their focus on the Medicaid managed care sector through acquisitions and aggressive pricing on RFPs. For example, WellPoint has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Amerigroup Corp. in a transaction valued at approximately $4.9 billion. This should give WellPoint a larger geographic footprint in Medicaid managed care as well as an increase in the number of dual eligibles.

The health insurance sector will move toward operating with health insurance exchanges and transforming from an employer-focused market to an individual-focused market. The majority of health insurance carriers are implementing strategies to adapt to the new operating environment and maintain profitability. This may be at lower margins and under increased regulation with uncertainty about state exchanges in the near- to medium term.

Over the past few years, many carriers have begun to offer products to multiple segments including individual, employer groups, and government-sponsored (both Medicare and Medicaid managed care), which provides for more diversified membership, revenue, and earnings. Several of the larger carriers also have expanded with supplemental business, which is more service oriented and not as regulated. These complementary products bring in varied sources of earnings and cash flow to enhance operating results. As such, A.M. Best is maintaining a stable outlook on the majority of the health insurance sector.

However, A.M. Best has a negative view on smaller, more specialized companies? in the ndividual and small-group health insurance markets. A.M. Best has concerns about profitability, given the minimum loss-ratio requirements, particularly over the near to medium term. Typically, individual products have a lower loss ratio (low 70% range) and a higher administrative expense ratio, especially in the first year.

These carriers have already reduced broker commissions significantly. It could be hard for them to cut administrative costs enough to offset a rising loss ratio. It?s easier for insurance carriers with larger blocks of business to cut prices to comply with the loss-ratio requirement while maintaining profitable margins. This could result in more competitive pricing and make it more difficult for the less diversified carriers to compete. Over the past year, PPACA has led some companies to exit or divest blocks of health business or entities.

Insureds and businesses in the individual and small-group segments are more likely to move toward the exchanges in 2014. Small, specialized carriers may lose members to the exchanges in 2014. Also, they may lack the scale to participate in the exchanges (on either the federal or state level). As such, A. M. Best believes these smaller specialty companies could experience more negative rating actions. For more information, visit http://www.ambest.com.

CBO Lowers Estimate of Health Reform Costs

The Supreme Court?s decision on health reform allows states to choose whether to expand eligibility under their Medicaid programs. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that the Affordable Care Act?s (ACA) insurance coverage provisions will cost $1,168 billion from 2012 to 2022, which is $84 billion less than a previous projection in March. (Those figures do not include the budgetary impact of other provisions of the ACA.)

Before the Court?s ruling, the Medicaid expansion appeared mandatory for states that wanted federal matching funds. However, CBO and JCT now expect that some states will not expand their programs at all or will not expand coverage to the full extent authorized by the ACA. In addition, they expect that some states will eventually expand eligibility, but not by 2014 as specified in the ACA.

Lower Medicaid enrollment is expected to more than offset the increase in costs from greater participation in newly established exchanges. CBO and JCT now estimate that the Medicaid program will cover fewer people; more people will get health insurance through the newly established exchanges; and more people will be uninsured. The magnitude of those changes varies from year to year.

In 2022, for example, Medicaid and the Children?s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are expected to cover about 6 million fewer people than previously estimated. About 3 million more will be enrolled in exchanges and about 3 million more will be uninsured. These estimates are dominated by the trend of people losing eligibility for Medicaid. Smaller shifts in coverage are also expected.

Medicaid will cover about 6 million fewer people, but only about 3 million more will get subsidies through the exchanges. About 3 million more will be uninsured. The average savings for each person who becomes uninsured are greater than the average additional costs for each person who receives exchange subsidies.

Benjamin Domenech, research fellow at he Heartland Institute, complains that ?The CBO dramatically underestimates the ?woodwork effect,? assuming only a small portion of those already eligible for Medicaid will sign up under the expansion of the program. The Congressional Budget Office is telling us Obamacare will be a slightly smaller failure than we thought. This is hardly reason to celebrate even if we accept CBO numbers, which often are dubious. The government could have expanded health insurance coverage by giving poor households vouchers to buy insurance.? For more information, visit http://www.cbo.gov/publication/43472 or www.heartland.org.

An Alternative to the ACA

The Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act and the House of Representatives has moved to repeal it. Yet, no one has presented a plausible alternative until now, according to John C. Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis. His proposed ?Healthcare Contract with America? includes the following themes to ensure that all individuals have access to affordable healthcare and have choices in obtaining coverage.

? Tax Fairness: Families at the same income level should get the same help from government when they get private health insurance, regardless of where they get it. The federal government encourages the purchase of private health insurance through the tax system. Yet the current approach is arbitrary, regressive, and unfair. Instead of paying taxable wages, employers would be able to purchase health insurance for their employees with untaxed dollars.

? Universality: Unclaimed tax relief should be available to local safety net institutions in case the uninsured cannot pay their medical bills. If an individual chooses to be uninsured, the unclaimed tax credit should be sent to a safety net agency in the community where the person lives. These funds would provide a source of finance in case the uninsured are unable to pay their medical bills.

? Portability: Employers would be able to purchase personal and portable insurance for their employees. The federal tax law is one reason we don?t have portable insurance. We subsidize employer-provided insurance generously, but we offer very little tax relief to those who must purchase insurance on their own.

* Patient Control: Patients should be able to manage more of their own health care dollars. Individuals would be able to save for medical expenses in a number of tax-favored accounts and in other types of accounts.

? Real Insurance: Insurance should not just pay for the cost of becoming ill; it should also pay the higher premium required if patients switch health plans. If insurance premiums are artificially low for people with health problems, insurers will run from them at the time of enrollment and have no incentive to treat them well after enrollment. If insurers are compensated fully for the above-average expected costs, they would compete to attract the sick as well as the healthy and would search for ways to better meet their needs.

Growth in Healthcare Costs Slows Slightly

The average per capita cost of healthcare services covered by commercial insurance and Medicare programs increased 6.05% over the 12-months ending May 2012. This compares to the 6.11% rate posted for April 2012. But it?s still above what was experienced throughout 2011 and early 2012, according to the S&P Healthcare Economic Composite

Healthcare costs covered by commercial insurance plans increased 8.38% over the year ending May 2012, down from the 8.41% reported for April 2012. Growth rates in Medicare claim costs rose 2.52%, according to the S&P Healthcare Economic Medicare Index, down from April?s 2.60%.

While most types of health cost growth rates slowed in May, the most substantial was in the hospital commercial annual growth rate, which declined 40 basis points to 8.38%. However, the professional services commercial growth rate went in the opposite direction, jumping from 7.70% in April to 7.99% in May. Commercial insurance costs accelerated for those using professional services and decelerated for those being treated in hospitals. There could be several things contributing to this, including timing and services provided during the visit. But S&P does not expect this divergence to continue.

The annual growth rate for Professional Services Medicare was 2.89%, which is its lowest since October 2009. The Hospital Medicare rate remained unchanged from April, at 2.05%. The headline Medicare growth rate fell to 2.52% in May from 2.60% in April. S&P says that there is some monthly volatility in healthcare costs, but there has been an upward trend in most costs and an increasing gap between the growth in costs covered by commercial versus Medicare plans during the past 12 months or so. For more information, visit www.spdji.com.

Small Employers and Self-Insured Health Benefits: Too Small to Succeed?

Small firms are more interested in self-insured plans due to rising premiums, new regulations on fully insured products, and more competitive markets for stop-loss coverage. But does self-insurance work for small firms? This is a question posed by researchers at the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC).

Self-insurance is becoming attractive to more employers due to competitive markets for stop-loss insurance and services available from third-party administrators (TPAs), particularly small firms with 100 or fewer workers. Some carriers even offer stop-loss coverage to firms with as few as 10 workers. Self-insured firms typically purchase stop-loss insurance to cover medical costs that exceed a predefined amount. A TPA processes medical claims and provides access to provider networks.

If more small firms self-insure, certain health reform goals may be undermined, such as strengthening consumer protections and making the small-group health insurance market more viable, according to HSC. A particular concern is adverse selection-attracting sicker-than-average people-in the state-based insurance exchanges created by reform and scheduled for implementation in 2014.

Self-insurance arrangements may offer advantages, such as lower costs, exemption from most state insurance regulation, and greater flexibility in benefit design-that are especially attractive to large firms with enough employees to spread risk adequately to avoid the financial fallout from potentially catastrophic medical costs of some employees, according to the study.

But, self-insured employers still face uncertainty about the costs of health benefits and the uncertainty of increases as firm size declines because smaller firms are much more vulnerable to the costs of a catastrophic illness of only one or two employees. Stop-loss insurance helps mitigate the risk of large medical costs and coverage kicks in depending on so-called attachment points, or specific-dollar thresholds that an employer must reach in health expenditures before a stop-loss carrier takes over payment of all or a percentage of medical claims.

According to the study, the market for stop-loss insurance is moving toward lower attachment points, with some carriers offering attachment points as low as $10,000. The availability of stop-loss coverage with extremely low attachment points raises questions about how much risk self-insured firms are bearing and whether self-insurance is merely a way to avoid state insurance regulation, according to the study. The study?s findings are detailed in a new HSC Issue Brief, ?Small Employers and Self-Insured Health Benefits: Too Small to Succeed?? available online at www.hschange.org


Get Nominated for a Vision Award

Nominations are being accepted for the third annual Transitions Vision Benefits Broker of the Year award, which is sponsored by Transitions Optical. The award recognizes brokers who are encouraging healthy sight through vision care benefit offerings and education. Brokers can self-nominate or be nominated by their vision plan provider. Submissions due November 2, 2012.

Three finalists will get a trip for two to the 2013 Transitions Academy managed vision care track at the 17th annual Transitions Academy, held January 27 to 30 in 2013 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Fla. They will be asked to share challenges and best practices as part of this annual program for brokers, vision plan provider representatives, and HR professionals. They will also get several prizes and office items for themselves and their staff members. The winner will get use of the official Transitions Vision Benefits Broker of the Year logo. Three finalists will be announced in December and the Transitions Vision Benefits Broker of the Year will be named during the Academy.

Nominees will be judged on several factors, including the following:

? Promotion of vision benefits ? positioning vision benefits as an integral part of the overall health benefit package during sales calls with HR clients.

? Promotion of vision wear ? highlighting the vision wear elements of vision coverage to HR customers, and recommending vision plans that include photochromic lenses, which automatically adapt to changing light to protect the eyes from damaging ultraviolet light and glare.

? Education ? seeking education and educating others about the importance of quality eye care and eyewear.

Entrants or their nominators must submit a nomination form as well as any supporting materials to detail their accomplishments and results. More information and a downloadable nomination form are available at HealthySightWorkingForYou.org.


Carriers Saw Higher Losses

In 2011, carriers faced increased loss ratios on their long-term disability income insurance business. This trend can be blamed on the Social Security Administration?s greater scrutiny of long-term disability claims. Most long-term disability insurance benefits are coordinated with the Social Security Administration and state disability programs. With increased denials through these programs, life insurers are seeing higher losses associated with long-term disability insurance. According to the analysis by SNL Financial, loss ratios have moved upward, but there have not been any major announcements of price increases for disability coverage. However, that may change if the Social Security Administration?s scrutiny of claims continues to increase.

The loss ratio for individual long-term disability insurance rose from 94.06% in 2009 to 98.09% in 2011 and the loss ratio for group long-term disability insurance increased from 80.36% in 2009 to 85.71% in 2011.

Unum Group, which is the largest insurer in both the individual and group long-term disability markets, saw increases in loss ratios in both markets between 2009 and 2011 that were in line with the industry.

Among the top 10 players in the group market, StanCorp Financial Group and The Hartford had the largest increases in loss ratios fro 2009 to 2011. StanCorp blames it primarily on higher claims while the Hartford cites unfavorable morbidity experience.

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. is the only top 10 company in the individual long-term market that saw a loss ratio decline from 2009 to 2011. However, according to its annual statement, the company is experiencing higher claim costs, which could affect its loss ratio over time.

The 10 insurers with the most premiums in the group long-term market represent 82.26% of the industry in 2011. The individual long-term disability market is even more concentrated, with the top 10 insurers representing 87.88% of the industry. For more information, visit http://www1.snl.com.


Three Plead Guilty to Life Settlement Fraud

Barbara Eberle, 65, and Robert Eberle, 73, both formerly of Chico, and Mark Wolok, 47, of West Bloomfield, Mich. pleaded guilty in federal court to securities fraud. The defendants were indicted on August 22, 2007 for a scheme that involved life settlement insurance contracts. Donald Neuhaus and his daughter, Kimberly Snowden, operated a number of businesses for the purpose of acquiring viaticals and life settlements from insured people and marketing them to investors. Working on their behalf, Robert and Barbara Eberle sold fractionalized interests in the settlements.

The Eberles told investors that the investments were safe, secure, and risk-free and that investors were guaranteed high rates of return. But investors lost at least $18.4 million. In order to sell these life settlement contracts, Wolok sold bonds that supposedly guaranteed that investors would not lose their money. However, the bonds were not legitimate and none of the bonds were honored. As a result of his fraud, investors lost at least $17.8 million.

In February 2003, the California Department of Corporations issued a desist and refrain order prohibiting Robert and Barbara Eberle and Lexus Financial Group from selling viaticals and life settlements in California. The Eberles changed the name of their company to Eagle and relocated to Nevada.

Donald Neuhaus died in November 27, 2007. The remaining defendants in the case ? Kimberly Snowden, 47, of Redding; Clifford Palm, 60, of Citrus Heights, and Robert Koppel, 83, of Roseville, have pleaded not guilty to the charges. Their next court date is August 3, 2012 for a trial confirmation hearing. The charges are only allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Wolok and the Eberles are scheduled to be sentenced by United States District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. on November 2, 2012. The maximum statutory penalty for a violation of securities fraud is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The actual sentence, however, will be determined at the discretion of the court after consideration of any applicable statutory factors and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which take into account a number of variables.

Wellness Plan Shown to Reduce Costs

If you receive a breathy phone call from a rep. at Blue Shield of California, don?t be alarmed. Your rep may be running on a treadmill while working. Four out of five employees at the not-for-profit health plan engage in wellness programs that include working while on a treadmill, participating in social media-fueled group fitness challenges, and teaming up with colleagues, friends, and family to achieve well-being.

Blue Shield of California reports that its employees save $3 million and earn 2,500 days off a year by participating in a wellness program that mixes social networking with game dynamics to make it easy, social, and fun to be healthy.

The program yielded the following results from 2008 t0 2011:

? A 26% improvement in health status as employees transition from ?at risk? to ?healthy.?

? A 48% decrease in smoking prevalence.

? A 32% increase in regular physical activity and 48% decrease in employees reporting that they are totally inactive.

? 66% relative decrease in high blood pressure, from one in three employees in 2009 to one in 10 employees by 2011.


Many Claims Are for In-Home Services

Half of all new individual long term care insurance claims pay for home care services, according to a study by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. New claims by women receiving care at home accounted for 32% of new claims with 18% of men receiving benefits for home care. Only 31% of new claims begin with the policyholder receiving care in a nursing home.

The survey also reports that the largest long-term care insurance claim paid totaled $3 million while the largest claim that?s still being paid has exceeded $1.7 million in paid benefits. The claimant is a woman who purchased coverage and began receiving care three years later. She has been receiving care for nearly 15 years.

Women accounted for 65% of new claims opened during 2011. Twenty four percent of new claims begin between ages 70 and 79 while 65.5% begin after the policyholder reached age 80. Alzheimer?s disease is the leading cause for claims in a nursing home or assisted living community while cancer is the leading cause for claims that begin at home. For more information, visit www.aaltci.org.


Fun Sketches Help Start Serious Discussions About Life?Settlements

Life settlement provider, The Lifeline Program, launched a free e-postcard service for financial planners and life insurance agents. Featuring playful artwork by acclaimed illustrator Rick Meyerowitz, whose work has been featured in National Lampoon and the New Yorker, the e-postcards serve as an easy marketing tool to introduce life settlements to prospective clients. Agents will be able to quickly and easily customize and send e-postcards to their clients.For more information, visit www.thelifeline.com.

Tips for Multi-Generational Planning

The MetLife Mature Market Institute has released a guide titled, ?Preparing for Family Financial Responsibilities Across the Generations.? You can download a free copy at http://www.metlife.com/mmi/research/mulit-generational-views-family-obligations.html#related%20content.


Life Insurance Conference in Palm Beach, FL

The Life Insurance Direct Marketing Association (LIDMA) is sponsoring its Fall Meeting & Showcase September 30 through October 2, 2012 at the Four Seasons hotel in Palm Beach. The agenda includes detailed State of the Industry and State of the Channel reports Attendance is available only to LIDMA members. Annual membership in LIDMA is $999 for direct marketers, producers, BGAs, IMOs and financial institutions and also includes one conference registration for the Fall Meeting & Showcase. For an additional $299 members can register an unlimited number of attendees from their agency. For more information on LIDMA membership visit www.lidma.org.

Webinar Helps Women Deliver Effective Presentations

The website, http://www.professionaltrain.com, is sponsoring a 60-minute webinar Thursday, August 16, 2012, 1:00 pm. It is designed help viewers do the following:

? Deliver presentations with confidence and competence.

? Get others on board to support your position and ideas.

? Blend feminine and masculine traits into a dynamic speaking style.

? Overcome nerves and other hurdles to a powerful presentation.

The instructor is Lois Phillips, Ph.D., trains executives, managers, and politicians in organizational communication and presentation skills. She was the founding executive director of Antioch University Santa Barbara. Her doctoral degree from UCSB focused on gender differences in public speaking. To register, call 800-830-0799 or visit http://www.professionaltrain .com.

Free Webinar Helps Brokers with Social Networking

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America is hosting a free one-hour webinar, ?Measuring your Social Networking Success? on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 11:00 p.m. PST. The webinar will address some of the most frequently asked questions that agents have about social networking. For more information, visit www.independentagent.com

Source: http://www.calbrokermag.com/insurance-insider-news/carriers-are-pressured-to-adjust-to-a-changing-landscape-in-2014/

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