Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Realities of Today's Dynamic Employment Climate - Career By ...

ExpatfocuslogoFor those of you with an interest in learning about the realities of today's dynamic employment climate,?I recommend reading my latest article on Expat Focus. In the article I talk about the global war for talent, international assigments, your online identity and the impact of culture on all aspects of your career acceleration and job search. ?


EXPAT and INTERNATIONAL CAREER SUCCESS TIP: Read my latest article on Expat Focus.?Think of one way you can shift how you are currently managing your career or job search to be better responsive to the realities of today's global employment climate. You might identify skill shortages in your target country, do something to improve your online identity or grow your network in your target market. Whatever you choose, be sure?set a due date and take action!


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~? career by choice can help you...become an expat and experience a global lifestyle ~?explore international career options and find work abroad ~ understand your Brand DNA and how you perform at your best ~ clarify your personal brand so you can stand out and be sought after for top jobs overseas ~ develop marketing tools and strategies to communicate your unique expertise in a compelling way ~ strengthen your online reputation to attract employers and secure international jobs ~ become highly visible, recognized and well compensated for the value you create ~ overcome challenges and grow as a leader on international assignments?~ leverage social media to build your global online network ~ develop a global mindset?~ find an international career coach and experienced guide ~ conduct an international job search ~ optimize your choices and discover success abroad on your terms by being your best self. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Source: http://www.careerbychoiceblog.com/career_by_choice/2012/09/todays_global_employment_climate.html

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