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Release Your Fear of Commitment and LIVE ... - Silva Method Life

IFear of commitment holds you back from living a rich life.f you fear commitment, it can weigh over you like a big ugly cloud, and ruin otherwise perfect relationships. Fear of commitment isn?t just a ?guy thing? either. Plenty of women fear that settling down with someone means giving up too much.

What do commitment-phobes fear?

  • Settling for someone less than perfect when there could be someone perfect out there
  • Giving up freedom
  • Giving up your sense of identity
  • Losing your options in life (i.e. ability to move to a different city, go on whirlwind adventures anytime it?s convenient for you, etc.)
  • Having to alter your lifestyle (i.e. compromise on things you love to do)
  • Being stuck in a relationship that you can?t get out of

You might have a mild fear of commitment, or it can be absolute terror. Anytime a partner even hints about long-term togetherness, you might feel a vise grip around your heart and panic sets in, triggering your fight-or-flight instincts.

What might surprise you is that fear of commitment isn?t just about relationships. Friendships, academic performance, careers and goals all suffer if you can?t commit!


Ideas need commitment to be brought to fruition!What Happens When You Can?t Commit

Failed relationship after failed relationship; a lonely life; emotional upheaval; inability to have a meaningful career; inability to achieve goals.

Fear of commitment doesn?t always show up as ?running away.? Often, decisions are made with the EXIT strategy in place, giving you an easy ?out? ? also known as setting yourself up for failure:

  • pursuing relationships with people who are unattainable or just plain wrong
  • pursuing jobs, careers or goals that are unattainable

Fear of LOSS is at the heart of commitment problems. You might fear that if you choose ?Door #1? then ?Doors #2 through Door Infinity? may be closed to you forever. Most commitment phobes fear making a decision because it might be the wrong decision.

What Are You Looking For?

So what do you really want, then, if you can?t commit to anything? Everybody wants something ? and the commitment phobe has trouble defining that ?something?.

Ironically, security is something often desired by people who fear commitment in relationships. They desire intimacy, security, comfort and companionship inherent in a healthy committed relationship ? but the pervasive fear is that these things will be lost if the relationship doesn?t work out.

Meditate on what you want out of life.Fear keeps people from committing to education and career paths: you may desire to express your talents in a particular venue but fear that if you?re not good enough, it will all be for nothing and you?ll be stuck doing some hateful job anyway! And, sadly, many wonderful dreams and goals never get realized because fear of commitment.

Or, if you fear committing to a goal, you may fear failure.

The best way to find out what you really want out of life is to meditate on what you really love to do. What is it about those activities that makes you so happy? That?s a clue to what you?re really after! Let your imagination run wild with positive scenarios of how your life could play out, if money, time, health, education and every self-imposed limitation were no object.

Getting Over Your Fear

Self-awareness is the single most important tool you have in overcoming fear of commitment. In the Silva Method, you learn to become very aware of your thoughts and feelings. You can spot behaviors, speech patterns (including self-talk) and even thoughts that flew under your radar; and when you do that, you can go deeper into introspection and identify the source of the fears that are keeping you from making a commitment.

1. Give your fear a name. Express it. What is is about commitment that scares you? Is it the word? Is it the loss of something? Many commitment phobes fear losing their independence, but that is a symptom of an unhealthy relationship anyway (a healthy relationship is based on mutual respect and trust, and a desire to help each other, uplift each other and support each other?s dreams and aspirations) ? you don?t really lose independence in a healthy relationship.

2. Take control of your life. Commitment requires making a decision. Yes or no. Stay or go. Do or do not. If you?re in the habit of avoiding commitment, you have created a habit of indecision! Use the Habit Control exercises in the Silva Method to create a habit of making firm decisions. Right or wrong, a decision is always better than no decision.

Visualize what can go RIGHT!3. Visualize what can go right in a relationship or a job? and stop focusing on what can go wrong. This is where you?re tripping yourself up! You WANT a secure, happy relationship; you WANT a great career; but if you?re constantly visualizing what?s ?inevitably? going to go wrong ? loss of freedom, wrong career, etc. ? you end up living out your visualization. Use the Silva visualization exercises to train your mind to focus on what you want!

4. Remove the word ?forever? from your vocabulary and visualizations. That?s WAY too much pressure! Think about the near future. Think about how happy you will be in your relationship, or your job, in the next year and couple of years. Don?t worry about ?forever.? Things always change? and ?forever? is a false ideal. All you have is this moment. Then, you move into the next moment. Things that happen in that next moment depend on what you do in this one. So always do your best, think your best and speak your best, and let the future take care of itself.

5. Improve yourself! Commitment doesn?t have to be a sentence to a life of something you don?t want. Think about the ?vibe? you are projecting right now. Are you attracting the circumstances and people you?re interested in having in your life? or not? The more you work on yourself ? to become your ideal version of yourself ? the more you will attract what makes you happy; then, commitment won?t be so intimidating!

When you can commit to what you want, you can see it through. To success, to achievement, to happiness. To a life well lived!


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Canadian oil sands pollute nearby lakes. Report is blow to Keystone pipeline.

Oil sands production in Canada has contaminated surrounding lakes with substances linked to cancer, according to a new study. The scientific findings may help the case against building Keystone XL, a pipeline that would connect Canadian oil sands with American refineries.?

By David J. Unger,?Correspondent / January 8, 2013

A worker holds a cup of crude oil to be tested at the Cenovus Foster Creek SAGD oil sands operations near Cold Lake, Alberta, in this July 2012 file photo. Production at the Athabasca oil sands has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, reaching about 1.5 million barrels a day in 2010.

Todd Korol/Reuters/File


Production at the world's third largest source of oil has polluted surrounding waters with toxic substances, according to a new study. The findings add fuel to a fiery debate over a proposed pipeline connecting Canadian oil sands with US refineries.

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Lakes as far as 56 miles away from production facilities near Fort McMurray, Alberta, show unnaturally high levels of substances linked to cancer. Researchers say they are the result of roughly half a century of development at the Athabasca oil sands.

While concentrations of carcinogens remain low compared with those found in urban lakes, scientists at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, called the findings, released Monday, "worrying" and warned of future effects from the spread of oil sands contaminants.

?We?re not saying these are poisonous ponds,??John Smol, a professor and the study's lead author told The New York Times. ?But it?s going to get worse. It?s not too late but the trend is not looking good.??

US sees Iran behind hostage photos of ex-FBI agent

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007. Levinson's family received these photographs of him in April 2011. U.S officials suspect the Iranians or its proxies are holding Levinson hostage. (AP Photo/Levinson Family)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Two years after a hostage video and photographs of retired FBI agent Robert Levinson raised the possibility that the missing American was being held by terrorists, U.S. officials now see the government of Iran behind the images, intelligence officials told The Associated Press.

Levinson, a private investigator, disappeared in 2007 on the Iranian island of Kish. The Iranian government has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his disappearance, and the disturbing video and photos that Levinson's family received in late 2010 and early 2011 seemed to give credence to the idea.

The extraordinary photos ? showing Levinson's hair wild and gray, his beard long and unkempt ? are being seen for the first time publicly after the family provided copies to the AP. The video has been previously released.

In response to Iran's repeated denials, and amid secret conversations with Iran's government, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement in March 2011 that Levinson was being held somewhere in South Asia. The implication was that Levinson might be in the hands of terrorist group or criminal organization somewhere in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

The statement was a goodwill gesture to Iran, one that the U.S. hoped would prod Tehran to help bring him home.

But nothing happened.

Two years later, with the investigation stalled, the consensus now among some U.S. officials involved in the case is that despite years of denials, Iran's intelligence service was almost certainly behind the 54-second video and five photographs of Levinson that were emailed anonymously to his family. The tradecraft used to send those items was too good, indicating professional spies were behind them, the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk publicly. While everything dealing with Iran is murky, their conclusion is based on the U.S. government's best intelligence analysis.

The photos, for example, portray Levinson in an orange jumpsuit like those worn by detainees at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay. The family received them via email in April 2011. In each photo, he held a sign bearing a different message.

"I am here in Guantanamo," one said. "Do you know where it is?"

Another read: "This is the result of 30 years serving for USA."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has personally and repeatedly criticized the U.S. over its detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.

U.S. operatives in Afghanistan managed to trace the cellphone used to send the photographs, officials said. But the owner had nothing to do with the photos, and the trail went cold.

It was that way, too, with the hostage video the family received. It was sent from a cyber cafe in Pakistan in November 2010. The video depicted a haggard Levinson, who said he was being held by a "group." In the background, Pashtun wedding music can be heard. The Pashtun people live primarily in Pakistan and Afghanistan, just across Iran's eastern border.

Yet the sender left no clues to his identity and never used that email address again.

Whoever was behind the photos and video was no amateur, U.S. authorities concluded. They made no mistakes, leading investigators to conclude it had to be a professional intelligence service like Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

Levinson's wife, Christine, provided the photos to The Associated Press because she felt her husband's disappearance was not getting the attention it deserves from the government.

"There isn't any pressure on Iran to resolve this," she said. "It's been much too long."

Though U.S. diplomats and the FBI have tried behind the scenes to find Levinson, of Coral Springs, Fla., and bring him home, both presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have said little about his case and have applied little public pressure on Iran for more information about Levinson's whereabouts.

Christine Levinson has watched more public pressure result in Iran's release of a trio of hikers, a journalist named Roxana Saberi and a team of British sailors captured by the Iranian Navy. Everyone has come home except her husband.

Washington's quiet diplomacy, meanwhile, has yielded scant results beyond the Iranian president's promise to help find Levinson.

"We assumed there would be some kind of follow-up and we didn't get any," Christine Levinson said. "After those pictures came, we received nothing."

In one meeting between the two countries, the Iranians told the U.S. that they were looking for Levinson and were conducting raids in Baluchistan, a mountainous region that includes parts of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, U.S. officials said. But the U.S. ultimately concluded that the Iranians made up the story. There were no raids, and officials determined that the episode was a ruse by Iranian counterintelligence to learn how U.S. intelligence agencies work.

An expert on Russian organized crime, Levinson retired from the FBI in 1998 and became a private investigator. He was investigating cigarette smuggling in early 2007, and his family has said that took him to the Iranian island of Kish, where he was last seen. Kish is a popular resort area and a hotbed of smuggling and organized crime. It is also a free trade zone, meaning U.S. citizens do not need visas to travel there.

FBI spokeswoman Jacqueline Maguire said: "As we near the sixth anniversary of his disappearance, the FBI remains committed to bringing Bob home safely to his family."

In an interview, Levinson's wife said that because her husband disappeared in Iran, she believes her husband is still being held there. She doesn't think the U.S. government has put enough pressure on Iran to release her husband.

"It needs to come front and center again," Levinson said. "There needs to be a lot more public outcry."

She said she has met with Obama and John Brennan, Obama's counterterrorism czar and nominee to run the CIA. She said that both men pledged to do everything they could to free her husband. Now, nearly six years after his disappearance, she thinks Iran is being let off the hook.

"He's a good man," she said. "He just doesn't deserve this."

Meanwhile, Robert Levinson will miss another family milestone when his oldest daughter Susan gets married in February.

"He's missed so many," his wife said. "It's very upsetting."


Contact the Washington investigative team at DCinvestigations (at)

Associated Press


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By a landslide, 2012 smashes heat record for the U.S.

WASHINGTON (AP) ? America set an off-the-charts heat record in 2012.

A brutal combination of a widespread drought and a mostly absent winter pushed the average annual U.S. temperature last year up to 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit, the government announced Tuesday. That's a full degree warmer than the old record set in 1998.

Breaking temperature records by an entire degree is unprecedented, scientists say. Normally, records are broken by a tenth of a degree or so.

The National Climatic Data Center's figures for the entire world won't come out until next week, but through the first 11 months of 2012, the world was on pace to have its eighth warmest year on record.

Scientists say the U.S. heat is part global warming in action and natural weather variations. The drought that struck almost two-thirds of the nation and a La Nina weather event helped push temperatures higher, along with climate change from man-made greenhouse gas emissions, said Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. She said temperature increases are happening faster than scientists predicted.

"These records do not occur like this in an unchanging climate," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. "And they are costing many billions of dollars."

Last year was 3.2 degrees warmer than the average for the entire 20th century. Last July was the also the hottest month on record.

Nineteen states set yearly heat records in 2012. Alaska, however, was cooler than average.

U.S. temperature records go back to 1895 and the yearly average is based on reports from more than 1,200 weather stations across the Lower 48 states.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. last year also had the second most weather extremes on record, behind 1998. There were 11 different disasters that caused more than $1 billion in damage, including Superstorm Sandy and the drought, NOAA said.

The drought was the worst since the 1950s and slightly behind the dust bowl of the 1930s, meteorologists said. During a drought, the ground is so dry that there's not enough moisture in the soil to evaporate into the atmosphere to cause rainfall. And that means hotter, drier air.

The last time the country had a record cold month was December 1983.

"A picture is emerging of a world with more extreme heat," said Andrew Dessler, a Texas A&M University climate scientist. "Not every year will be hot, but when heat waves do occur, the heat will be more extreme. People need to begin to prepare for that future."


Seth Borenstein can be followed at


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

US roasts to hottest year on record by landslide

FILE - This July 6, 2012 file photo shows six-year-old Alexander Merrill of Sioux Falls, S.D., cooling off in a cloud of mist at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb., as temperatures reached triple digits. Federal meteorologists say America was deep fried in 2012, becoming the hottest year on record by far. The National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, N.C., calculates that the average U.S. temperature in 2012 was 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit. That's a full degree warmer than the previous record of 1998. Normally, records are broken by about a tenth of a degree. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik, File)

FILE - This July 6, 2012 file photo shows six-year-old Alexander Merrill of Sioux Falls, S.D., cooling off in a cloud of mist at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb., as temperatures reached triple digits. Federal meteorologists say America was deep fried in 2012, becoming the hottest year on record by far. The National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, N.C., calculates that the average U.S. temperature in 2012 was 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit. That's a full degree warmer than the previous record of 1998. Normally, records are broken by about a tenth of a degree. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik, File)

FILE - This July 6, 2012 file photo shows Timmy Benson wearing a wet towel on his head as he cools off in a fountain set up outside Busch Stadium before a baseball game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Miami Marlins Friday in St. Louis. Federal meteorologists say America was deep fried in 2012, becoming the hottest year on record by far. The National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, N.C., calculates that the average U.S. temperature in 2012 was 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit. That's a full degree warmer than the previous record of 1998. Normally, records are broken by about a tenth of a degree. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File)

(AP) ? America set an off-the-charts heat record in 2012.

A brutal combination of a widespread drought and a mostly absent winter pushed the average annual U.S. temperature last year up to 55.32 degrees Fahrenheit, the government announced Tuesday. That's a full degree warmer than the old record set in 1998.

Breaking temperature records by an entire degree is unprecedented, scientists say. Normally, records are broken by a tenth of a degree or so.

The National Climatic Data Center's figures for the entire world won't come out until next week, but through the first 11 months of 2012, the world was on pace to have its eighth warmest year on record.

Scientists say the U.S. heat is part global warming in action and natural weather variations. The drought that struck almost two-thirds of the nation and a La Nina weather event helped push temperatures higher, along with climate change from man-made greenhouse gas emissions, said Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. She said temperature increases are happening faster than scientists predicted.

"These records do not occur like this in an unchanging climate," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. "And they are costing many billions of dollars."

Last year was 3.2 degrees warmer than the average for the entire 20th century. Last July was the also the hottest month on record.

Nineteen states set yearly heat records in 2012. Alaska, however, was cooler than average.

U.S. temperature records go back to 1895 and the yearly average is based on reports from more than 1,200 weather stations across the Lower 48 states.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. last year also had the second most weather extremes on record, behind 1998. There were 11 different disasters that caused more than $1 billion in damage, including Superstorm Sandy and the drought, NOAA said.

The drought was the worst since the 1950s and slightly behind the dust bowl of the 1930s, meteorologists said. During a drought, the ground is so dry that there's not enough moisture in the soil to evaporate into the atmosphere to cause rainfall. And that means hotter, drier air.

The last time the country had a record cold month was December 1983.

"A picture is emerging of a world with more extreme heat," said Andrew Dessler, a Texas A&M University climate scientist. "Not every year will be hot, but when heat waves do occur, the heat will be more extreme. People need to begin to prepare for that future."


Seth Borenstein can be followed at

Associated Press


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sun's 2013 Solar Storm Peak Expected to Hit Century Low

The sun's peak of solar activity this year will likely be the quietest seen in at least 100 years, say NASA scientists who watch Earth's closest star daily.

Sunspot numbers are low, researchers said, even as the sun reaches the peak of its 11-year activity cycle. Also, radio waves that are known to indicate high solar activity have been very subdued.

"It's likely to be the lowest solar maximum, as measured by sunspot 'number,' in more than a century," wrote Joe Gurman, a project scientist for NASA's sun-observing mission Stereo, or Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory. The current sun weather cycle is known as Solar Cycle 24.

Quiet as the sun may be, scientists still have a vested interest in watching it. A rogue flare could damage electrical grids or knock out communications satellites, as has happened many times before.

Though solar science is still in its infancy, it has advanced greatly even from the time solar activity knocked out much of Quebec's electrical grid in 1989, Gurman pointed out. [Worst Solar Storms in History]

"The interconnectedness of power grids has grown tremendously since the Hydro Qu?bec issue," he wrote.

"Compared to the frequency of widespread power outages due to trees falling on above-ground power lines during snowstorms or hurricane-force winds from storms such as the recent [Hurricane] Sandy, it's a very low order of probability event."

Killer flares 'a physical impossibility'

Galileo Galilei was among the first to sight sunspots when he turned his telescope to the sun in 1610. Reliable records of sunspots date back to about 1849, when the Zurich Observatory began daily observations, according to NASA.

Sunspots appear as dark blemishes on the sun, generally in clusters above and below the equator. Scientists now know these spots form due to the interplay between the sun's plasma (on the surface) and its magnetic field.

Under some circumstances, the twisting magnetic fields near sunspots cause huge explosions such as solar flares, and plasma-rich coronal mass ejections often associated with the flares. These send charged particles out from the sun, and occasionally toward Earth.

The strongest category of outburst, called an X-class solar flare, can cause havoc if it reaches Earth. The electrical charge can short out communications satellites or power grids. Medium-class M-type solar flares can supercharge Earth's northern lights displays, while weaker C-class flares and below can have relatively little effect, NASA has said.

It is impossible for the sun to produce "killer" solar flares that were made popular by 2012 doomsday predictions, NASA's C. Alex Young told in an email.

"On Earth we are completely protected from the direct effects of solar activity. The atmosphere shields us from the electromagnetic radiation from solar flares and the particles in a particle storm," wrote Young, a solar astrophysicist with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. [Doomsday Myths Debunked by NASA: Countdown]

"[Killer flares] would not happen. The sun cannot produce flares (or CMEs) with enough energy to do this. It is a physical impossibility. It would take the entire energy of the sun, like a supernova. The sun will not become a supernova."

Improvements in solar science

Solar watching is a young science, but in recent decades, NASA has been working to improve the ability to predict and track solar flares and CMEs. The primary way is through using satellites to peer at the sun.

The United States' official "space weather" forecaster is the Space Weather Prediction Center, a service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Several NASA satellites feed the center data to assist with its predictions.

According to NASA's William Pesnell, NASA's satellites work together like this:

  • The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) can watch for CMEs from the moment they erupt from the sun.
  • The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) watches the charged particles, or plasma, on their journey toward Earth, making it easier to determine if they will hit the planet.
  • If the plasma is Earth-bound, the two Stereo satellitesorbiting the planet then observe the plasma and predict where it could hit.

"The Earth is a very small target in a big solar system, and the models that try to track the CME through the solar system are still being developed," added Pesnell, the project scientist for SDO, in an e-mail to

"Our biggest advances," he added, "have been in models of the sun's magnetic field and using data in those models to explain the current sun. ... Our models try to explain the 11-year behavior of the solar cycle as the magnetic field moves around inside the sun, and then erupts through the surface to become sunspots."

NASA also plans to launch the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission in April 2013. When the satellite is ready, it will watch how energy and plasma move from the sun's surface to its corona or atmosphere, Pesnell said.

"That means we will have good overlap to combine the different measurements [with SDO] and better understand the magnetic field of the sun."

Follow Elizabeth Howell @howellspace, or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

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5 HVAC System Upgrades that will Improve Whole-House Comfort ...

As the holiday season comes to a close and the New Year is upon us, now is a great time to think about what you can do to have a more comfortable home in 2013. Thinking back on 2012, were you completely satisfied with the comfort levels in your home all year long? If not, consider making some of the HVAC system upgrades below to achieve maximum whole-house comfort this year.

5 HVAC system upgrades that will improve whole-house comfort

  1. Programmable thermostat. Do you still have a manual thermostat installed in your home? Programmable thermostats give you complete control over your home?s temperatures without the added stress of manually changing your thermostat?s settings multiple times a day. This is specifically useful if you want your desired home temperature levels to be ready for you by the time you wake up or return home from work.
  2. Zoning system. A zoning system allows you to individually control the temperature levels of specific parts of your home. This is one of the best ways to reduce hot and cold spots and allows you to focus your HVAC system?s energy consumption on the parts of your home that you occupy most often.
  3. Whole house humidifier and dehumidifier. Temperature levels are only part of the story when it comes to home comfort. In order to have a truly comfortable home, you have to be able to control indoor humidity levels as well. Whole house humidifiers and dehumidifiers are the best options available to St. Louis area homeowners for keeping humidity levels in check all year long.
  4. Better air filtration. Does anyone in your home suffer from asthma or allergies? Does it seem like someone in your family is always sick, not matter the time of year? If you?re currently using standard 1? filters with your HVAC system, you could significantly improve indoor air quality and the comfort of you and your family by upgrading to a better air filtration system. Advanced air filtration options include everything from whole house air cleaners to UV light air purifiers and more.
  5. Energy recovery ventilator. Along with a better filtration system, an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) is another HVAC upgrade that will improve your home?s air quality and the comfort and health of your family. ERV?s are able to exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air. This is done without having to worry about losing energy like you would if you naturally ventilated your home by opening your doors and windows.
If you have any questions about any of these HVAC system upgrades, or if you?d like a heating and cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly, your St. Louis heating and air conditioning company. We service the St. Louis area and surrounding towns like Chesterfield, Ladue and Weldon Spring.


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Loyola Nursing Student Fights Childhood Obesity | Your Health ...

From Your Health Journal?..?Found a great article today on about some local nursing students fighting childhood obesity in Louisiana. Through the years, I have heard so much about childhood obesity (and obesity in general) being a large issue in this state, as so many children have been suffering not only from obesity, but from heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Nursing students from Loyola University received a $4,000 grant, which will be used to educate some local high school students on healthy lifestyle. Please visit the Tangilena web site (link provided below) to read the complete article. It is a great story of children (or young adults) helping other children.?

From the article?..

One nurse is setting out to change the way health care providers in New Orleans talk to patients?inspiring instead of mandating healthier lifestyles to curb childhood obesity. Loyola University New Orleans Doctor of Nursing Practice student Monica Alleman won a $4,000 grant Jan. 1 from the American Nurse Practitioner Foundation to teach health care providers at John Ehret High School health center in Marrero, La., counseling skills to help reduce the causes and effects of childhood obesity at a local level. The idea was born from Alleman?s capstone project as a part of the Loyola DNP program.

Louisiana is the ideal testing ground for solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic, according to Alleman. Louisiana has the fourth-highest statistics for childhood obesity rates in the nation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reports.

?Monica?s passion for children and fighting obesity is contagious,? said Gwen George, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, assistant professor and DNP program coordinator.

The project focuses on the idea that when health care providers speak to patients in ways that illicit the patients? own solutions versus commanding solutions, it results in healthier patients. The technique is called motivational interviewing skills?borrowed from counseling practices?and Alleman is teaching health care professionals at John Ehret High School how to use it.

?We can more effectively engage patients in healthy living and I believe it?s by us the providers changing how we communicate with our patients,? Alleman said. ?Research shows the more patients talk about their own change, the more likely they are going to start to try to change.?

Using motivational interviewing techniques, a conversation with the nurse may include phrases like, ?What kinds of things worked for you in the past?? and ?How can you make that change in your life?? That kind of conversation in the clinic avoids guilt, shame and judgment surrounding what is childhood obesity, according to Alleman.

?Loyola University New Orleans DNP students are educated to embrace such research-supported interventions in behavioral health to improve the outcomes in health care delivery systems, thereby accelerating quality, reducing costs and increasing appropriate access,? said Ann H. Cary, Ph.D., MPH, RN, professor and director of the School of Nursing.

To read the full article?..Click here


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School offers fresh start for Sandy Hook kids

A girl sits on a Newtown bus leaving the new Sandy Hook Elementary School after the first day of classes in Monroe, Conn., Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. The Sandy Hook students started today in a new school, formerly called Chalk Hill School in Monroe. It was renamed Sandy Hook Elementary and overhauled especially for the students from the Sandy Hook School shooting. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill) (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A girl sits on a Newtown bus leaving the new Sandy Hook Elementary School after the first day of classes in Monroe, Conn., Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. The Sandy Hook students started today in a new school, formerly called Chalk Hill School in Monroe. It was renamed Sandy Hook Elementary and overhauled especially for the students from the Sandy Hook School shooting. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill) (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A bus traveling from Newtown, Conn., to Monroe stops in front of 26 angels along the roadside on the first day of classes for Sandy Hook Elementary School students since the Dec. 14 shooting, in Monroe, Conn., Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. Chalk Hill School in Monroe was overhauled especially for the students from the Sandy Hook School shooting. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A police road block is at the entrance to the new Sandy Hook Elementary School on the first day of classes in Monroe, Conn., Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. The school, formerly known as Chalk Hill School, was overhauled specially for the students from the Sandy Hook School shooting in Newtown, in the neighboring town of Monroe, Conn. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A man waves to a child on a bus on the first day of classes after the holiday break, in Newtown, Conn.,Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. Nearly three weeks after the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, students and teachers from the school will return to class Thursday in the neighboring town of Monroe. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

A woman hugs a child before he boards a bus on the first day of classes after the holiday break, in Newtown, Conn., Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. Children from Sandy Hook Elementary School will return to school Thursday in the neighboring town of Monroe. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

(AP) ? Sarah Caron made her son his favorite pancakes for breakfast and walked the second-grader to the top of the driveway for the school bus.

"I hugged him a lot longer than normal, until he said, 'Mommy, please,'" she said. "And then he got on the bus, and he was OK."

It was 7-year-old William's first day of school since last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, and his mother tried to make the day as normal as possible. But it was harder than usual to say goodbye.

William was among more than 400 students who escaped a gunman's rampage that killed 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook on Dec. 14. On Thursday, the returning students settled in at their old, familiar desks but in a different school in a different town.

Students, teachers and administrators were met by a large police presence outside their new school in the neighboring town of Monroe, where a middle school that had been shuttered for nearly two years was overhauled and renamed after their old school. Several officers guarded the entrance and checked IDs of parents dropping off children.

Monroe police Lt. Keith White said attendance was very good and the children were getting back to "business as usual."

"A lot of them were happy to see their friends they hadn't seen in a while," he said.

William's classroom had been across the hall from a first-grade room where children and teacher Victoria Soto died, and he had been nervous about going back to school, Caron said. But an open house Wednesday at the school eased some of his fears.

"They didn't talk about what happened at all," she said. "They went in, met up with their teachers, had a little circle time and it was just about trying to get them back into school."

Most of the students arrived at the new school in Monroe by bus, something school officials had suggested to help them get back into a familiar routine.

Nick Phelps, who lives a few blocks from the original Sandy Hook school, said his first-grader and third-grader are excited about the new school because it means a longer bus ride to Monroe, which is about 7 miles away.

He was there when the bus brought them home Thursday afternoon.

"I was never so excited to see my children and, certainly, to see my children get off the bus. There was a shared joy," he said.

About 80 parents attended an assembly Thursday with school and police officials, who fielded questions about security and activities planned for their children. White said security will remain at a high level for now and will be re-evaluated each week.

The gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, shot and killed his mother inside their Newtown home before driving to the school. He shot his way into the building and carried out the massacre before committing suicide as police arrived.

On Thursday, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy announced the creation of an advisory commission that will review and recommend changes to state laws and policies on gun control, school safety measures and mental health services in the wake of the Sandy Hook rampage.

A spokesman for Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman also said Thursday that Wyman has been invited to attend a meeting between former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and families of the victims.

Spokesman Steve Jensen said a visit by Giffords and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, is "planned but not confirmed" for Friday afternoon. He says the plans include the Giffords meeting at a private home with the families.

Meanwhile, the Hearst Connecticut Media Group apologized Thursday because one of its newspapers ran an ad for an antique gun show next to an article about the Newtown school shooting.

A statement released by Group Publisher Paul Farrell said the ad's placement in The Advocate of Stamford was the result of an oversight.

In Monroe, teams of workers, many of them volunteers, prepared the new school and even raised bathroom floors so the smaller elementary school students can reach the toilets. The students' backpacks and other belongings that were left behind after the shooting were taken to the new school to make them feel at home.

Students found the same chairs and desks, when possible. Their classroom walls were painted the same colors and hung with the same pictures. Other details, such as the location of bookshelves and cubby holes, were replicated as much as possible.

Newtown school Superintendent Janet Robinson said the school has been transformed into a "cheerful" place for the students. She said mental health counselors continue to be available for anyone who needs them.

Caron, 32, said her son knows what happened and has undergone counseling. She said her 5-year-old daughter, Paige, attends afternoon kindergarten at the school and has been dealing with nightmares about "snakes and bears and coyotes."

"She wasn't at school that day but was with me when we went to look for William at the firehouse," Caron said. "Unfortunately, she heard more about it than I wish she did."

Intellectually, Caron said, she knows her children will be very safe at their new school.

"But, emotionally," she said. "It's very hard to turn off the little 'What if?' that kind of hangs on and says, 'Well, you know what, December 14th started out as a normal day, too."


Associated Press writer Michael Melia contributed to this report from Hartford, Conn.

Associated Press


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

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Posted on January 3, 2013 by dufttuey508 in Internet

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Get Your Internet Business Traffic Now With These Tips | Cop 15 Post

When you get away from everything, you will understand how simple most people are. You just need to find your niche to make your Internet marketing business a success. By utilizing the correct Internet marketing techniques, a successful business can be created from scratch, and the following information will show you how.

By studying your competition you can achieve even greater success in your Internet marketing. Familiarity with the products of your competitor and good marketing skills equal success for you and will leave your competitor watching gape-jawed as you successfully and profitably win the day. This is essentially your goal when it comes to Internet marketing.

People are more apt to listen to those who have an air of authority. Make sure your customers are aware that you are the one running the show. You may even want to call yourself the business?s President or CEO.

Maintain yourself updated on all the available things online. The online world is always changing, so staying up-to-date with these changes allows you to make your product known the proper way.

A good way to get your site users? opinions is to utilize polls located next to your content. Acknowledging and implementing your users? ideas helps to build a relationship with your audience.

Do you have a product that no one else offers? This will help you bring your niche target audience to your website. The users will then likely look at your other products, bringing legitimacy to your site and therefore improving your page rank.

Any online business plan and marketing strategy should include a fully secure ordering process. Always make sure that their security is a priority with you so that they will see you as a trusted source to work with.

Actually take time to figure out how good of a product or service you provide. No amount of marketing can change a product that is faulty or otherwise inferior. Your sales will increase if you have a better product.

If you have ad space on your website, consider selling the space to a major company. This looks good to your viewers and validates your presence in the market. When your visitors notice big names associated with yours they will trust you more. Allowing this to take place will increase your traffic, and your site will become more popular instead of another business listing.

Nearly any ad will benefit from including a promise to keep the process of purchasing fast and gratifying. Let your customers know how fast it takes to place an order, how quickly that order will be shipped and how little time it takes to see results. This should convert to faster initializations, a speedy and safe checkout, or fast confirmations for purchases placed online.

Dream big when it comes to your business, and keep your eye on your goals at all times. If you want to make some good money, use the tried and true tips discussed here to keep you focused squarely on your goals.


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