Monday, February 18, 2013

Communications are NOT private with biteSMS - iPhone, iPad, iPod ...

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  1. Exclamation Communications are NOT private with biteSMS

    interesting.. straight from the biteSMS User Agreement You may download and use the biteSMS software ("Software") on an iPhone device only for your own use. You must read the Agreement and press the "Agree" button and in doing so, you agree to be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement. User Submissions

    You agree that any material, information or other communication relating to the Software, including all data, images, sounds, text, and other things embodied therein, that you transmit to Delicious Inc will be considered non-confidential ("Communications"). Delicious Inc will have no confidentiality obligations with respect to the Communications. You agree that Delicious Inc and its designees will be free to copy, modify, create derivative works, publicly display, disclose, distribute, license and sublicense through multiple tiers of distribution and incorporate and otherwise use the Communications, including derivative works thereto, for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes without compensation or other obligation and that Delicious Inc is the sole and exclusive owner of any and all such modifications and derivative works.

    *most people more than likely do not care but it's easy to overlook
  2. #2??

    Keith - ? iPhone4S on VZW; ? iPad(2012) - wifi with BadElf for GPS

  3. #3??

    Default Re: Communications are NOT private with biteSMS

    They can data mine, and use anything you do on their app and make a profit from it with impunity and you get squat. Ain't that grand?

    You do get something - arguably one of the best tweaks out there
    If you have jailbreak woes, you can iMessage me at I'll try to help (provided I have time to spare).
  4. Default Re: Communications are NOT private with biteSMS

    They can data mine, and use anything you do on their app and make a profit from it with impunity and you get squat. Ain't that grand?

    exactly. people's heads just about popped off when Instagram changed their policy to say they "could" use users data

    why would this be any different?

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    Keith - ? iPhone4S on VZW; ? iPad(2012) - wifi with BadElf for GPS

  6. #6??

    Default Re: Communications are NOT private with biteSMS

    Correct me if I am wrong (and I am sure someone will), but wouldn't this apply only if you use the "Send via biteSMS Method" instead of "Send via Carrier Method". AND, I would bet if you read your Verizon, or AT&T, or T-Mpbile, or ???, EULA it would have a pretty similar clause.

    IMHO, anybody who sends anything via email or SMS and thinks it is totally private, never can be seen by anybody other than who one intends, has been badly deceived.

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    Default Re: Communications are NOT private with biteSMS

    I think that's less of a texting policy and
    More of a theming policy.
    On your device the texts you send to and from aren't going through bite*
    Unless your using bites service.
    But if you develop a theme and submit it to bite, or you develop a "fix" or better method In the coding and send it to bite they re saying they can legally claim it.
    Which judging by all the themes in cydia, they haven't done.
    But they could. I think it's a standard in all user agreements.

    That makes better sense. And standard. If you use our product, even if you make changes to it, we still own the rights to the product.
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