Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rest easy, Spain: Your money's safe in a mattress safe

With a debt crisis still stalking Europe, a Spanish entrepreneur has a new idea to protect your euros: a mattress with a safe inside.

By Whitney Eulich,?Staff writer / March 27, 2013

Two men walk in the business district in Madrid, Spain, Tuesday.

Paul White/AP


Europeans have tossed and turned at night since the continent's sovereign debt crisis began three years ago. Right now it?s the Cypriots, surprised earlier this month by an announcement that some personal bank accounts could be taxed in order to raise the needed contribution for a bailout.

Skip to next paragraph Whitney Eulich

Latin America Editor

Whitney Eulich is the Monitor's Latin America editor, overseeing regional coverage for and the weekly magazine. She also curates the Latin America Monitor Blog.

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But Greeks, Irish, and Spaniards know the drill all too well themselves. Spanish bank deposits, for instance, dropped by 4.7 percent between June and July 2012, as faith in the country?s banking system plummeted.

In banks, it?s safe to say, many Europeans do not trust.

So what better way to slip soundly into sleep each night than knowing the precise status of one?s life savings? That?s the idea behind the simple and inventive Caja MiColch?n, or My Mattress Safe, a bed manufactured in northwestern Spain that is?outfitted with a safety deposit box.?

Francisco ?Paco? Santos worked in the mattress business for 14 years before losing his job in 2009. Unemployed, he tapped a dormant entrepreneurial spirit, designing this mattress that stands out from the rest.

My Mattress Safe was released by Mr. Santos' company Descanso Santos Sue?os (DESS) three weeks ago, in step with the Cyprus banking saga. It sells for about $1,120.?

Set to upbeat, jazzy music, one promotional video on the company?s website shows the ins and outs of production. The mattress is made with ?the best materials? and implanted at the foot of the bed is a digital-entry safety box (there's no mention of whether or not it?s fireproof).

In the video, Mr. Santos parodies a bank commercial, calling My Mattress Safe a ?financial institution? with a new, imaginative take on saving. Not to fear, he says ? this approach to savings doesn?t come with the threat of bankruptcy, mergers, or market fluctuations.

That could be a powerful selling point, with the safety of bank deposits high on the mind in Europe once again this month. According to The Christian Science Monitor, the European Union ?raised serious doubts about its promise to guarantee citizens? savings ? a vital pillar of any financial sector that underpins savers? trust ? when it went along with a plan to levy small Cypriot depositors.?

DESS hasn?t released sales figures, but the company said they?ve exceeded expectations. And despite the initial double take, there may be a larger audience for a Mattress Safe than one might expect.

In Argentina, for example, many keep their US dollars (a popular currency because of high rates of inflation) out of Argentine banks after ?harsh lessons? learned from past economic crises. The Monitor met one Argentine last summer who keeps his dollars in a safety deposit box.

?I know that the dollars in my box are actually there,? says Francisco, an IT worker in Buenos Aires.??If you have a bank account in dollars your money doesn?t exist ? it?s just virtual money."

The My Mattress Safe tagline feeds into this mentality: ?Your money, very close to you.?

For customers looking for assurance that their money isn't going anywhere with the Caja MiColch?n, there?s a calculator on the website where customers can work out their savings over time. Enter the deposit amount, the number of months of planned investment, and voila:?The same number of euros deposited in a My Mattress Safe is at the investor?s disposal a month, year, or decade later. (?What you deposit is what you have. So easy, so simple,? reads the website.)

"History repeats itself,? Santos told Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

?Older generations thought the safest place to keep their money was under the mattress. Now we?re proposing the same thing as we've seen people's uneasiness about the current situation. I'm not going to deny that the idea is a little crazy, but we believe that people with this mattress not only will sleep well, but also will be more relaxed because their savings are safe."


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L.A. police ID suspect in girl's abduction case

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Investigators are seeking a transient who has a long criminal record in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old who was snatched from her San Fernando Valley home before dawn last week and abandoned hours later in front of a hospital, police said.

Tobias Dustin Summers, 30, was identified by police Saturday as a suspect in the case but they couldn't elaborate on the motive or what led them to him. Police don't know if the girl was targeted but said they don't believe Summers had a connection to her family.

"We have no information that the family knew this individual or that the individual knew any members of the family," Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese said.

About 40 detectives have been working around the clock looking for clues since the girl was abducted from her home Wednesday. She was found hours later, wandering near a Starbucks several miles away.

The girl was barefoot, had bruises and scratches, and wasn't wearing the same clothes she had on when she vanished. She told the police two men she didn't recognize had taken her from her home.

Police initially said they were looking for two suspects, but now are focusing their efforts on locating Summers.

"This is the only person we are looking for right now," Albanese said Saturday.

Investigators have said they believe the girl was driven around the San Fernando Valley in a couple of cars and taken to at least two locations, including a storage facility, before she was released.

A passer-by who recognized her picture from media reports saw her outside the Starbucks and called police. The girl had wandered there from the hospital where she had been dropped.

Summers, who has a distinctive tattoo of a ghoulish face on his right arm, has arrests dating back to 2002, police said. Among them are robbery, grand theft auto, possession of explosives and kidnapping, authorities said.

Police said they had no details on the prior kidnapping case.

Summers was released from prison in July on a petty theft conviction as part of a California law designed to ease crowding in state prisons. He also spent six days behind bars in January on a probation violation.

Summers last checked in with his probation officer at some point earlier this month and had been complying with his release terms, police said. He is known to frequent the area where the kidnapping took place.

The Los Angeles Times reported that law enforcement sources said the girl was sexually assaulted. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual assault. Summers isn't a registered sex offender, police said.

Albanese said Summers had been arrested four years ago for investigation of battery that involved child annoyance. Court records show Summers was convicted of battery in September 2009 but the child annoyance charge was either dismissed or not prosecuted.

Summers has family in Southern California, according to police, and the FBI said it will obtain a warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, if the agency determines he has fled the state.


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Analysis: NKorea threat may be more bark than bite

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? Across North Korea, soldiers are gearing up for battle and shrouding their jeeps and vans with camouflage netting. Newly painted signboards and posters call for "death to the U.S. imperialists" and urge the people to fight with "arms, not words."

But even as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is issuing midnight battle cries to his generals to ready their rockets, he and his million-man army know full well that a successful missile strike on U.S. targets would be suicide for the outnumbered, out-powered North Korean regime.

Despite the hastening drumbeat of warfare ? seemingly bringing the region to the very brink of conflict with threats and provocations ? Pyongyang aims to force Washington to the negotiating table, pressure the new president in Seoul to change policy on North Korea, and build unity inside the country without triggering a full-blown war.

North Korea wants to draw attention to the tenuousness of the armistice designed to maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula, a truce Pyongyang recently announced it would no longer honor as it warned that war could break out at any time.

In July, it will be 60 years since North Korea and China signed an armistice with the U.S. and the United Nations to bring an end to three years of fighting that cost millions of lives. The designated Demilitarized Zone has evolved into the most heavily guarded border in the world.

It was never intended to be a permanent border. But six decades later, North and South remain divided, with Pyongyang feeling abandoned by the South Koreans in the quest for reunification and threatened by the Americans.

In that time, South Korea has blossomed from a poor, agrarian nation of peasants into the world's 15th largest economy while North Korea is struggling to find a way out of a Cold War chasm that has left it with a per capita income on par with sub-Saharan Africa.

North Korean army officers punch the air as they chant slogans during a rally at Kim Il Sung Square in downtown Pyongyang, North Korea, Friday, March 29, 2013. Tens of thousands of North Koreans ... more? North Korean army officers punch the air as they chant slogans during a rally at Kim Il Sung Square in downtown Pyongyang, North Korea, Friday, March 29, 2013. Tens of thousands of North Koreans turned out for the mass rally at the main square in Pyongyang in support of their leader Kim Jong Un's call to arms. (AP Photo/Jon Chol Jin) less? The Chinese troops who fought alongside the North Koreans have long since left. But 28,500 American troops are still stationed in South Korea and 50,000 more are in nearby Japan. For weeks, the U.S. and South Korea have been showing off their military might with a series of joint exercises that Pyongyang sees a rehearsal for invasion.

On Thursday, the U.S. military confirmed that those drills included two nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers that can unload the U.S. Air Force's largest conventional bomb ? a 30,000-pound super bunker buster ? powerful enough to destroy North Korea's web of underground military tunnels.

It was a flexing of military muscle by Washington, perhaps aimed not only at Pyongyang but at Beijing as well.

In Pyongyang, Kim Jong Un reacted swiftly, calling an emergency meeting of army generals and ordering them to be prepared to strike if the U.S. actions continue. A photo distributed by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency showed Kim in a military operations room with maps detailing a "strike plan" behind him in a very public show of supposedly sensitive military strategy.

The head of Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the Federal Intelligence Service, told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper that North Korea's aggressive rhetoric is "not completely new," citing past provocations.

"To sum up: we assume that North Korea does not want a war," Gerhard Schindler was quoted as saying.

North Korea cites the U.S. military threat as a key reason behind its need to build nuclear weapons, and has poured a huge chunk of its small national budget into defense, science and technology. In December, scientists launched a satellite into space on the back of a long-range rocket using technology that could easily be converted for missiles; in February, they tested an underground nuclear device as part of a mission to build a bomb they can load on a missile capable of reaching the U.S.

However, what North Korea really wants is legitimacy in the eyes of the U.S. ? and a peace treaty. Pyongyang wants U.S. troops off Korean soil, and the bombs and rockets are more of an expensive, dangerous safety blanket than real firepower. They are the only real playing card North Korea has left, and the bait they hope will bring the Americans to the negotiating table.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said North Korea's "bellicose rhetoric" would only deepen its international isolation, and that the U.S. has both the capability and willingness to defend its interests in the region.

Narushige Michishita, director of the Security and International Studies Program at Japan's National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, isn't convinced North Korea is capable of attacking Guam, Hawaii or the U.S. mainland. He says Pyongyang hasn't successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile.

But its medium-range Rodong missiles, with a range of about 800 miles (1,300 kilometers), are "operational and credible" and could reach U.S. bases in Japan, he says.

More likely than such a strike, however, is a smaller-scale incident, perhaps off the Koreas' western coast, that would not provoke the Americans to unleash their considerable firepower. For years, the waters off the west coast have been a battleground for naval skirmishes between the two Koreas because the North has never recognized the maritime border drawn unilaterally by the U.N.

As threatening as Kim's call to arms may sound, its main target audience may be the masses at home in North Korea.

For months, the masterminds of North Korean propaganda have pinpointed this year's milestone Korean War anniversary as a prime time to play up Kim's military credibility as well as to push for a peace treaty. By creating the impression that a U.S. attack is imminent, the regime can foster a sense of national unity and encourage the people to rally around their new leader.

Inside Pyongyang, much of the military rhetoric feels like theatrics. It's not unusual to see people toting rifles in North Korea, where soldiers and checkpoints are a fixture in the heavily militarized society. But more often than not in downtown Pyongyang, the rifle stashed in a rucksack is a prop and the "soldier" is a dancer, one of the many performers rehearsing for a Korean War-themed extravaganza set to debut later this year.

More than 100,000 soldiers, students and ordinary workers were summoned Friday to Kim Il Sung Square in downtown Pyongyang to pump their fists in support of North Korea's commander in chief. But elsewhere, it was business as usual at restaurants and shops, and farms and factories, where the workers have heard it all before.

"Tensions rise almost every year around the time the U.S.-South Korean drills take place, but as soon as those drills end, things go back to normal and people put those tensions behind them quite quickly," said Sung Hyun-sang, the South Korean president of a clothing maker operating in the North Korean border town of Kaesong. "I think and hope that this time won't be different."

And in a telling sign that even the North Koreans don't expect war, the national airline, Air Koryo, is adding flights to its spring lineup and preparing to host the scores of tourists they hope will flock to Pyongyang despite the threats issuing forth from the Supreme Command.

War or no war, it seems Pyongyang remains open for business.


Lee is chief of AP's bureaus in Pyongyang, North Korea, and Seoul, South Korea. She can be followed on Twitter at Eric Talmadge in Tokyo and Sam Kim in Seoul contributed to this report.


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Kobe Bryant leads Lakers past Kings, 103-98

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) ? Kobe Bryant scored 19 points and tied a season high with 14 assists despite a nagging left foot injury, and the Los Angeles Lakers kept pace for the Western Conference's final playoff spot by outlasting the Sacramento Kings 103-98 on Saturday night.

Bryant added nine rebounds and facilitated the Lakers' offense for 47 minutes, 37 seconds after Steve Nash exited early in the first quarter with a recurring right hamstring injury. Bryant also passed Lakers great Wilt Chamberlain (31,419 points) for fourth on the NBA's career scoring list, after starting four points shy of the mark.

Dwight Howard added 24 points and 15 rebounds, and Steve Blake scored 15 points for the Lakers (38-36), who stayed even with Utah (38-36) for the eighth and final playoff spot. Los Angeles hosts 10th-place Dallas (36-37) in a critical tilt Tuesday night.

Tyreke Evans had 21 points and nine rebounds, and DeMarcus Cousins added 19 points and 11 rebounds in Sacramento's latest loss. The Lakers won the season series 3-1.

With Bryant engineering the offense, Los Angeles showed some of its best ball movement of the season.

Bryant slipped a pass to Pau Gasol for a fast-break dunk ? and his 13th assist ? to put Los Angeles ahead 98-93 with 4:52 remaining. Gasol also tossed an alley-oop to Howard just before.

Sacramento refused to go away quietly at home. Cousins followed with a free throw and a long jumper, and Evans added a layup to slice the Lakers' lead to two.

After Bryant missed a jumper, Jodie Meeks stripped Evans on a layup attempt at the other end. Bryant hit 1 of 2 free throws to put the Lakers ahead 101-98 with 24 seconds remaining, giving Sacramento one last chance.

Howard blocked Cousins' 3-point attempt. After pleading with the official for a foul, Cousins got the ball back and he forced a 3-point miss. Bryant made two free throws to end a topsy-turvy night for the Lakers on a positive note.

Los Angeles lost Nash with a strained right hamstring just 1:48 into the game. Coach Mike D'Antoni patted Nash on the back before the point guard walked gingerly to the locker room and never returned.

Sacramento surged ahead 37-25 after the first quarter with a frenetic pace that often left the Lakers' frontline in the backcourt. The Kings, who entered the game averaging an NBA-best 108.9 points since the All-Star break, made 15 of their first 21 from the floor.

Sacramento held Bryant scoreless until he hit a pair of free throws with 8:50 remaining in the second quarter. The shots sparked Bryant and the Lakers late in the half, along with a larger-than-normal sprinkling of Los Angeles fans sporting purple and gold throughout the announced sellout crowd of 17,317.

Bryant made a pull-up jumper from the free throw line with 7:54 remaining in the second quarter to eclipse Chamberlain.

Still, Bryant's seventh assist of the half might have been his most important play. He found Blake for a 3-pointer to give the Lakers their first lead of the game, 51-50, before Sacramento went back ahead 57-53 at the break on Isaiah Thomas' 3-pointer with 0.9 seconds left.

Bryant had a bone spur in his left foot that has bothered him for several games. The injury apparently is unrelated to his sprained left ankle, which occurred earlier in Atlanta.

With his foot stiffening up when he sits, Bryant came out for just 23 seconds.

Bryant finished a thunderous dunk down the lane and added two free throws and a pair of assists, rallying the Lakers back with a 14-1 run to close the third quarter. Los Angeles led 82-75 entering the fourth.

The Kings had scored at least 100 points in 20 of the previous 23 games, including 11 straight at home.

NOTES: Bryant has tossed 14 assists two other times this season. His career high is 15 assists against Washington on Feb. 12, 2002. ... Cousins was called for a technical foul in the second quarter for slamming his hand on the scorer's table after officials whistled Thompson for a foul. ... Kings F James Johnson rejoined the team and was shooting around before the game. He sat out his eighth straight game because of personal reasons.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Exclusive: Indonesia's CT Corp proposes all-cash deal for Bakrie's media unit

By Janeman Latul and Randy Fabi

TANJUNG BENOA, Indonesia (Reuters) - CT Corp, one of Indonesia's emerging conglomerates, has proposed an all-cash deal for a controlling stake in media firm PT Visi Media Asia , valued at up to $1.8 billion, to strengthen its position in the media business in Southeast Asia's biggest economy.

The founder and chairman of CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung, told Reuters that his firm wanted to purchase Visi Media, a unit of Indonesia's powerful Bakrie family, without any partners.

"We are one of the preferred bidders. Our proposal is we want to buy it all ... my pocket is still deep," the 51-year-old billionaire said in his hotel room on the resort island of Bali, shortly after meeting with the president and cabinet ministers in his role as head of the president's economic advisory body.

"(It is) only us that can pay cash one hundred percent ... but the deal is not done yet."

CT Corp is already a major player in the Indonesian media business and controls two local TV stations. Tanjung said he would take out a new loan to buy the Visi Media stake. He declined to say how much the company would borrow for the deal.

This is the first time any bidder has publicly announced that it was offering to buy the company.

Indonesia's politically influential Bakrie family has been in talks to sell its majority interest in Visi Media to help finance a plan to buy back coal assets from London-listed Bumi Plc , sources with direct knowledge have said.

The Bakries are offering around a 51 percent stake in Visi Media, which the family controls via its vehicle CMA Indonesia. The process has been going on for the past three months with local bidders, including CT Corp and MNC Group, the sources said.

The Bakries had been looking for a valuation of $1.2 billion to $2 billion for the unit, although Visi Media's current market capitalization is only around $800 million, the sources said.

Visi Media has two national TV stations and a news website.

The sources said the stake would be worth up to $1.8 billion.

Tanjung, who trained as a dentist before becoming a businessman, also plans to build a $3 billion theme park on Indonesia's Java island and make it one of the biggest theme parks in Southeast Asia when it opens in 2016.

"We will build a city, not only a theme park, as I want to make many Indonesians feel happy," Tanjung said, adding that the land for the park would be around 200 hectares and the construction would start by the end of this year.

The group, which was founded by Tanjung, currently operates two theme parks and has plans to add another 20 theme parks across Indonesia over the next few years.

Tanjung is Indonesia's fifth-richest man with a net worth around $3.4 billion as of march, according to Forbes.

(Editing by Jonathan Thatcher and Chris Gallagher)


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A look at RIM's much-delayed BlackBerry 10

Research In Motion Ltd. offered a glimpse Thursday at how its new BlackBerry 10 phones have been selling in Canada and abroad. Details on the U.S. are not expected for another three months.

The BlackBerry 10 is widely considered crucial to the company's future. RIM faced several delays getting phones with the software out. The delay could make it even harder for RIM to regain market share lost to Apple's iPhone and devices running Google's Android operating software.

Here's a look at developments surrounding the BlackBerry 10 in recent months:

Oct. 18, 2011: RIM unveils a new operating system, combining existing BlackBerry elements with RIM's previously announced QNX operating system for phones and tablet computers.

Dec. 6: RIM says "BlackBerry 10" will be the new name for its next-generation system after the company loses a trademark ruling on its previous name, BBX.

Dec. 15: RIM says new phones running BlackBerry 10 won't be out until late 2012, instead of early 2012 as previously expected. The company says the phones will need a highly integrated chipset that won't be available until mid-2012, so the company can now expect the new phones to ship late in the year.

May 1, 2012: RIM unveils a newly designed smartphone prototype powered by BlackBerry 10. The prototype BlackBerry has a touch screen, but no physical keyboard like most BlackBerry models. No update is given on the new system's launch date.

May 2: Company stresses that while the prototype has no physical keyboard, RIM will continue to make some models with one.

June 21: Company says the first BlackBerry device running BlackBerry 10 will not have a physical keyboard, only a touch-screen one. Ones with hard keyboards will eventually be made, but the company declines to say when.

June 28: RIM says it's delaying the launch of BlackBerry 10 yet again, to the first quarter of next year. CEO Thorsten Heins says RIM's top priority is a successful launch of the new BlackBerrys. He adds, "I will not deliver a product to the market that is not ready to meet the needs of our customers. There will be no compromise on this issue."

July 10: At its annual shareholders meeting, Heins asks disgruntled investors for patience as it develops BlackBerry 10. He says the product's quality is more important than rushing out the software, and he says some telecom carriers prefer a 2013 launch because next-generation wireless networks will be more widely operational by then.

Aug. 23: RIM says it has begun showing its new BlackBerry smartphones to wireless carriers around the world, but it remains "months and months" away from starting to sell them. The company says feedback from those carriers has been positive, and it will begin to discuss product launches and other business aspects with the carriers soon.

Sept. 25: Heins promises to restore the BlackBerry phone's stature as a trailblazing device even as many investors fret about its potential demise. Heins speaks at a conference for mobile applications developers to rally support for BlackBerry 10.

Oct. 31: RIM says its BlackBerry 10 smartphones are now being tested by 50 wireless carriers around the world. The company calls it a key step.

Nov. 12: RIM says it will hold an official launch event for BlackBerry 10 smartphones on Jan. 30.

Nov. 13: RIM says the phones will be released "not too long" after the launch event.

Nov. 29: RIM's stock rises after Goldman Sachs upgraded the company's shares, saying there's a "30 percent chance" that BlackBerry 10 smartphones will be a success.

Dec. 13: RIM says the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency will launch a pilot program with its smartphones using BlackBerry 10.

Jan. 30, 2013: RIM kicks off new BlackBerry 10 with events in New York and elsewhere. It unveils the first two phones ? the Z10, with a touch-screen keyboard, and the Q10, with a physical keyboard as well. RIM also says it will change the company's name to BlackBerry.

Jan. 31: The Z10 model goes on sale in the U.K.

Feb. 4: RIM's CEO says early signs show that sales in the U.K. are strong, with many buyers switching from other systems rather than upgrading from older BlackBerrys. He narrows the Z10 launch in the U.S. to mid-March and says the Q10 model might not be available in the U.S. for another eight to 10 weeks, even though some wireless providers elsewhere should get it in April.

Feb. 5: The Z10 model goes on sale in Canada.

Thursday: RIM announces that it sold 1 million BlackBerry 10 phones in the quarter that ended March 2, above the 915,000 that analysts were expecting. Details on U.S. sales are not part of the results because the Z10 became available there after the quarter ended. But RIM lost about 3 million subscribers to end the quarter with 76 million. It's the second consecutive quarterly decline for RIM, whose subscriber based peaked at 80 million last summer.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Air Charters And Their Advantages | Oregon Attractions

Traveling by air these days has become very convenient because of the many options people now have. There are now commercial planes you can take if you wish to go to another city or country. Some people prefer to buy their very own plane, helicopter, or jet. If any of these options do not agree to you, the outer banks air charters would be another good option that is available to you.

One of the best things about air charters is that it gives you the things that you can enjoy with commercial planes and private aircrafts. This allows people to still travel on his own plane without having to actually one. This has become a lot of help to people that do not have the money to secure their own private jet. This allows them to have the chance to travel in the air without using commercial planes.

There are many advantages that you can get from renting at charter plane. One of them is that this is a faster way that you can travel. You do not have to worry about other passengers, delays, and other things that could drag your travel time. This is a good option to take if you are in a hurry to go to your destination.

Another advantage of renting a charter is that everything is going to revolve around your schedule. You no longer have to worry about not catching the flight because the pilot would depend on when you would like to take off. It is up to you when you would like to go and where you want the plane to go to.

Charter companies also have so many kinds of aircrafts available to their clients. They offer various aircrafts so their client maybe able to have an aircraft that suit all of their needs. Each client has different needs. One may want a big plane to fit many passengers or a plane that contains certain features.

Being able to have the plane all to yourself is very comfortable and relaxing. Getting charter service comes with all the other services provided by the company. There will be people that would see to it that you get all the things you need. They will take care of your luggage, the flight, and even the food.

A charter plane is now being used by people not just merely for transportation. Nowadays, many have started to use this for celebrating special occasions. It is perfect for impressing someone or for making them feel special. The service would see to it that all the passengers are going to be treated the best way possible.

There are many occasions or situations that would make renting a charter a good idea. A good example would be a person?s birthday. This is also something you can do if you have an important client coming to town. It is a very special transportation for couples that going on a honeymoon.

Outer banks air charters make flights something that many people would be able to enjoy. A charter can give you the privacy and comfort that you need. It is also one way that you can travel faster without sacrificing your very own comfort.

Read more about The Advantages Of Air Charters visiting our website.


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Cypriot banks reopen after 12 days -- but customers can only withdraw $383 each

After the banking system was shut down for nearly two weeks, Cyprus' banks finally reopened to long lines of people who faced limits as to how much they could withdraw. NBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports.

By Ian Johnston, Staff Writer, NBC News

Banks on the tax haven of Cyprus opened Thursday for the first time in 12 days amid the island's continuing financial crisis, but the country's financial controls could remain in place for another month.

Strict limits on the amount of money that could be withdrawn have been imposed ? people will be able to withdraw 300 euros ($383) a day and no checks will be cashed ? amid fears of a run on the banks.

Account holders showed up hours before the banks were due to open to get in line.

Early indications were that there was no mass rush to withdraw cash, with just 13 people waiting outside one large Bank of Cyprus branch on the island as it opened at noon local time (6 a.m. ET). They were surrounded by a scrum of journalists.

?We need only from you cooperation, understanding and please patience,? the manager of the branch said before opening.

However a small crowd of people did press against the doors of a branch of Laiki Bank, which is being liquidated. CNBC sources estimate those with more than 100,000 euros (about $128,000) in accounts in Laiki Bank could lose 40 to 70 percent of their deposits.

During the banking shutdown, people could only withdraw 100 euros (about $127) a day from the country's two biggest banks, using ATMs.?Most who lined up for the opening Thursday were elderly people and those without ATM cards.?

Deposits above 100,000 euros with the Bank of Cyprus will be frozen and 40 percent of each account will be converted into bank stock. Accounts in both banks with balances under 100,000 euros will be fully protected.

A previous proposal to take less from all bank accounts?was vetoed by the Cypriot parliament.

Later Thursday, the Cypriot foreign minister?Ioannis Kasoulides said curbs on money movement would remain in place longer than originally planned, "probably over a period of about a month," according to Reuters.

The country is seeking to meet the terms of a bailout from the European Union of 10 billion euros ($12.9 billion) and, in order to raise enough funds to meet strict conditions imposed by the EU, it is preparing to take money from bank accounts.

CNBC's Michelle Caruso Cabrera reports on banks reopening in Cyprus and the limits they've imposed on depositors. The situation, she says, is calmer than expected.

Ahead of the banks? reopening, money was flown into the island and guards were seen delivering cash to banks in armored vehicles.

The banks were due to close at 6 p.m. local time (12 p.m. ET).

There was some relief on the island that the banks were finally opening again, but this was mixed with fear about what could happen.

'Slow death'
Yorgos Georgiou, who owns a dry cleaning business in Nicosia, told Reuters that "finally people's mood will be lifted and we can start to trust the system again."

But he added: "I'm worried about the poor kids working in the cashiers today, because people might vent their anger at them. You can't predict how people will react after so many days."

Kostas Nikolaou, a 60-year-old retiree, told Reuters that the uncertainty of the past two weeks had been "like a slow death."

"How can they tell you that you can't access your own money in the bank? It's our money, we are entitled to it,? he added.

The country?s president, Nicos Anastasiades, has described the bailout deal as ?painful? but essential.

However, Nobel laureate economist Christopher Pissarides said it was ?extremely unfair to the little guy.?

?For the first time in the euro zone, depositors are (being) asked to bail out failing banks," he said. "Now that used to be the case in the 1930s, especially United States (and) caused big bank runs. It has been decided since then that we shouldn?t allow that to happen again.?

As Cyprus celebrates its Independence Day, the ?government is defending the last-minute bailout deal it's negotiated with the European Union. This means shutting down the country's second biggest bank, with big savers facing ?losses. ?ITV's Emma Murphy reports.

Among other controls, the island's central bank will review all commercial transactions over 5,000 euros and scrutinize transactions over 200,000 euros on an individual basis, Reuters reported. People leaving Cyprus can take only 1,000 euros with them. An earlier draft of the decree had put the figure at 3,000.

Reuters summed up the situation facing the island:

With just 860,000 people, Cyprus has about 68 billion euros in its banks - a vastly outsized financial system that attracted deposits from foreigners as an offshore haven but foundered after investments in neighboring Greece went sour.

The European Union and International Monetary Fund concluded that Cyprus could not afford a rescue unless it imposed losses on depositors, seen as anathema in previous euro zone bailouts.?The bailout looks set to push Cyprus deeper into an economic slump, shrink the banking sector and cost thousands of jobs.

European leaders said the bailout deal averted a chaotic national bankruptcy that might have forced Cyprus out of the euro.

Many Cypriots say the deal was foisted upon them by Cyprus's partners in the 17-nation euro zone within the European Union, and some have taken to the streets to vent their frustration.

CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera and Katie Slaman, and Reuters contributed to this report.


Cypriots fear run on banks as branches prepare to reopen

Cypriots: Hope, but also fear they 'will be like slaves' to Russia

EU to Cypriots: Let us raid your savings or no bailout

This story was originally published on


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

HTC One official flip case review

HTC One flip case.

HTC's stylish flip case also doubles as a kickstand

With the HTC One starting to become available in more countries, it's time to start taking a look at HTC's official accessories. The first is a protective case that doubles as a stand when the phone's in landscape orientation, which just might make it an ideal accessory for heavy multimedia users and anyone flying with an HTC One.

Check past the break for a quick video tour, more words, and an extensive photo gallery.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Personal Finance For Millennials: Why ETFs Are Their BFFs | Etfs ...

The great recession, Facebook?s (NASDAQ:FB) troubled IPO, JPMorgan?s (NYSE:JPM) London Whale trading losses, and HSBC?s (NYSE:HBC) Libor scandal -- these significant events have caused severe public distrust of Wall Street.
The problem is even more apparent among the younger generation. These days, millennials either avoid investing altogether, or invest with great caution. According to a study conducted by Accenture Wealth and Asset Management Services, 43% of respondents between ages 21 and 30 say they are conservative investors, compared with only 31% of baby boomers, Fox Business reports.
Perhaps that?s why millennials are looking more toward ETFs as investment vehicles, given their reputations for providing less volatility and greater diversity and flexibility.
?I think the young demographic has essentially grown up with ETFs. [After all,] the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSEARCA:SPY), the first ETF out there, just celebrated its 20th anniversary [in January], and ETFs have increased exponentially in terms of assets since,? Alex Teyf, senior manager of mutual funds and ETF products, tells Minyanvile. ?So [the young] are more familiar with them.?
Based on recent client data, TD Ameritrade (NYSE:AMTD) found that there was a strong correlation between age and the ownership of ETFs, with those aged 26 to 35 holding 12.7% of their assets in ETFs. In contrast, 66- to 75-year-olds held only 6.2% of assets in ETFs.
Young people are also more likely than any other age group to hold international ETFs, which Teyf says is also due to their greater comfort and familiarity with ETFs in general.
?If they?re comfortable holding an ETF on the S&P 500 (INDEXSP:.INX), for example, then they will look for comparable exposure to an international market and many of the ETFs that have come online over the past few years are targeting specific foreign or global indexes,? Teyf elaborates.
For risk-averse young investors, ETFs are also a way to get exposure to stocks like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) at relatively low prices.
?ETFs are an efficient way of gaining access to some of the better picks in an index,? Teyf explains. ?If you want to get access to technology stocks like Apple, and you don?t want to put all your eggs in one basket and you only have $700 to invest, ETFs are a more effective way of investing the technology sector without taking all the risk to just buy that one symbol.?
For millennials who are keen to dip their toes into the world of investing, Teyf has a few tips. ?Not all ETFs are created equally -- you really should understand what makes up the holdings of an ETF. And be aware of those metrics that matter when you?re talking about ETFs, which are volume and liquidity, assets under management, spread and tracking error.?


No positions in stocks mentioned.

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Evan Rachel Wood, Seth MacFarlane, Ricky Martin and more celebs also offer their support through social media.
By Gil Kaufman

Equal rights supporters demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC on Tuesday
Photo: Win McNamee/ Getty Images


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Historical Attractions In Xi'an Discover The True Spirit Of An Ancient ...

Xi'an is one the oldest cities in China that has a rich and culturally significant history. There are several historical sites in Xi'an that anyone who visits city should not miss.
Army of Terra Cotta Warriors, also known as the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, is generously dotted with sculptures of the armies from the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang. This mausoleum is one of Xi'an city's greatest attractions which sprawl over an area of twenty hectares. The landscaping with much greenery, blossoming flowers and green grass surrounding the location attracts a large number of visitors throughout the year.
Great Mosque of Xian, one if the best preserved and largest Islamic mosques in China was constructed during the Tang Dynasty. The unique and resplendent architecture in the mosque which combines traditional Muslim and Chinese styles, thereby creating a marvel of sorts is a must see for anyone who visits Xian.
Famed for its long historical significance and the romantic love story between Emperor Xuanzon and Yang Guifei during the Tang Dynasty, the Huaqing hot spring is among the magnificent landscapes of the city of Xian. Visitors can not only enjoy the scenery but experience the joy of having a refreshing bath in this extraordinary ever-flowing water of the spring.
Apart from these three sites there is so much more to see and do in Xi'an. As with most parts of China this is a city with a strong heritage and a bold and vibrant culture. Other historical attractions include the Xian City Wall, Bell and Drum Towers, Big Goose Pagoda among many others.
When visiting the city check for Xian accommodation that is convenient and relaxing. There are several accommodation options in Xian whether you are travelling with friends and family for leisure or on a business trip. Without checking into a hotel you can book serviced apartments Xian, which are exclusive serviced residences that create a more luxurious feel than staying in a hotel. One of the best recommended apartments would be Citadines Central Xi'an, which is just minutes away from the main city with a short distance to several historical locations in Xian.

About the Author:
Nelson Osborne is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.


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New pope revives question: What is a 'Latino?'

Pope Francis is being hailed as the "first Latino pope." He's a native Spanish speaker born and raised in the South American nation of Argentina. But for some Latinos in the United States, there's a catch: The pope's parents were born in Italy.

This European heritage is reviving debate in the United States about what makes someone Latino. There's no doubt that Pope Francis is Latin American. And he's certainly an inspiration to Spanish-speaking Catholics around the world. Yet in some eyes, that does not mean "Latino."

These views seem to be in the minority. But they have become part of the conversation in the United States as the Latino world considers this unique moment.

The discussion indicates just how much Pope Francis means to Catholic Latinos around the world.


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Monday, March 25, 2013

Fuel Fix ? Cyberattack risk high for oil and gas industry


In the months since a virus ripped through 30,000 of Saudi Aramco?s computers, the world?s largest oil company has become the canary of the industry, warning others of the serious threats already lurking on their systems.

Although the attack did not disrupt Saudi Aramco?s oil and gas operations, the company?s top man warned in a recent interview with the Houston Chronicle that the risk to the industry remains high.

Chief Executive Officer Khalid Al-Falih said that despite aggressive efforts by Saudi Aramco and others to guard against online threats, operations throughout the energy industry will remain in danger unless all companies adopt strong Internet security measures.

?What happens to one company affects us all,? Al-Falih said.

Saudi Aramco, which is wholly owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, produces more hydrocarbons than Exxon Mobil, Chevron and BP combined.

But even though the mammoth energy company has increased its focus on Internet security, it continues to deal with a high volume of threats, Al-Falih said.

?Every company today that you talk to will tell you that they are being tested every day by hackers,? Al-Falih said. ?So it?s nothing new for us. We have been attacked hundreds of thousands of times before this attack penetrated us.?

While Saudi Aramco?s security measures have protected it from any interruption in its oil production, delivery or other fundamental operations, companies with less robust cybersecurity efforts may be at greater risk, he said. And that presents a threat to other oil and gas companies, Al-Falih said.

?We provide our petroleum to systems that are run by other companies,? he said. ?So in an extreme case, if refineries are hacked and disrupted, that will impact demand on us and our petroleum. And the reputation of the industry as a whole is important to us.?

Oil companies use computer systems to manage and control massive operations, and to monitor them for safety. A computer infection on one of those control systems could cause a company?s entire operation to malfunction.

Danger exists

In such a case, the results could be disastrous, with the possibilities including grid failure, leaks at chemical plants or refineries, explosions of pipelines, offshore oil spills and lost human lives. While those outcomes are remote, the danger of malicious attacks does exist.

And recent infections of energy industry computer systems have shown that there is reason to worry. Last year, 40 percent of cyberattacks were on energy infrastructure, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

During a keynote address at the IHS CERA-Week energy conference in Houston this month, Al-Falih emphasized the need to seriously address threats that malicious attacks posed to their computer systems.

He said in the interview that companies need to invest in computer security and pay more attention to the growing risk.

?We need to act collectively to protect the petroleum industry to make sure that we elevate our image as a reliable, safe, environmentally sound supplier of energy,? Al-Falih said. ?And ensuring security of our system ? physical and virtual ? is part of that responsibility.?

Though many attacks on energy companies are unsuccessful, a report released last month by Internet security firm Mandiant tied the growing occurrence of cyberattacks to activity from a group that Mandiant said probably is backed by the Chinese government.

In some of its attacks, the group had used a malicious file that unsuspecting workers in the oil and gas industry might have downloaded. It was called, ?,? according to the Mandiant report.

U.S. government role?

Government-backed attacks against private companies, even well-financed oil giants, put the businesses at a severe disadvantage, said Michael Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who spoke at IHS CERA-Week.

Yet the role of the U.S. government in protecting companies from such attacks remains ambiguous because of indecision and disagreements among politicians and businesses, Hayden said.

A unit of the Department of Homeland Security, called the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, helps to analyze and respond to attacks.

But a more proactive approach would involve regular government access to private computers and networks, Hayden said. Companies aren?t sure how much access to their systems they want to allow to the government, even for Internet security purposes, Hayden said.

Asked about how the government might assist in defending against a malware attack on an oil company, Hayden said: ?Nobody knows.?

On their own, companies are attempting to improve security, but many in the energy industry remain vulnerable.

?It seems to me that they need to work very hard on their defense,? Hayden said.


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Egypt's president hints on Twitter of taking defensive action

CAIRO (AP) ? Egypt's president warns he may be about to take measures he did not specify to "protect this nation."

Mohammed Morsi's warning came in a series of tweets posted on Sunday, two days after violent clashes between supporters of his Muslim Brotherhood and opposition protesters in Cairo. At least 200 people have been injured, some seriously, outside the Cairo headquarters of the Brotherhood, Egypt's most dominant political group.

An Islamist elected in June, Morsi also warned that "appropriate measures" would be taken against politicians found to be behind Friday's violence, regardless of their seniority. Anyone found to be using the media to "incite violence" will also be held accountable, he added.

Friday's clashes followed an assault a week earlier by Brotherhood supporters on protesters painting hostile graffiti outside the group's headquarters.


?2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Ableton Push review: a dedicated controller for the Live faithful

DNP Ableton Push review a dedicated controller for the Live faithful

MIDI might be a little long in the tooth as protocols go, but it's been the prevailing standard for getting music hardware and software to play nice pretty much since its inception. As such, the MIDI controller is a fairly established staple in professional and bedroom studios alike. The problem is they're generic by nature. They come in all shapes and sizes, but to be profitable, they need to appeal to a broad range of applications. Ableton clearly didn't think this arrangement was up to snuff, though, so it created Push -- a software controller built entirely for its popular Live production software. While there have been Live-specific controllers before -- some even officially endorsed by Ableton -- Push is a whole new beast. It's one that hopes to unite hardware and software in a way that an all-purpose controller never could.

Ableton also has lofty musical ambitions for Push: it claims it designed the hardware as an instrument in and of itself; something that lets you close the lid of the laptop and use to make music with, while not looking like you are checking your email. And, given that Ableton makes the software that it's building Push for, integration is understandably expected to be airtight. But how well does it work? Is it an instrument? Will it replace all your other controllers? Do you want one? Is it worth the $599 pre-order price? Will it blend? We've pushed ourselves to explore the device fully in an effort to find out (apart from that last question, of course).

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bellator fighters finish fights: Thursday night?s card has eight first-round stoppages (Video)

The judges at Bellator's Thursday night card didn't have much work to do. Out of the 10 fights on the card, only one went to a decision. Dave Jansen won the lightweight tournament with a unanimous decision over Marcin Held.

Of the nine fights that were stopped, eight came in the first round. Three fights ended in under 20 seconds. Michael Page earned a 10-second knockout, Dave Vitkay choked out Jesse Peterson in 18 seconds, and Ryan Martinez knocked out Travis Wiuff in 18 seconds. But not all the stoppages were exciting. Marcus Davis and Waachiim Spiritwolf's fight ended in a no contest after Spiritwolf took a knee to the groin and couldn't continue.


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Facebook adds weather forecast feature

Few things are worse than being caught without a hoodie or an umbrella if the weather at a get-together takes a turn for the worse. Facebook Thursday added a handy weather forecast to a number of spots across its massive platform.

Facebook events will now include a weather forecast if the event is 10 days away or less. Public pages, such as those for local parks and far-flung cities, will also include the weather. The new information will be included on both Web-based and mobile versions of Facebook.

Weather information is provided by Weather Underground. Each single-line entry will include a general forecast as well as the high and low temperatures for the day.

It's a small update for Facebook, but adding automatic weather updates to event pages could be a big help to users. Further, people can use the search bar to find weather for a particular location by typing in "Weather for New York City," for instance. This information is provided by Bing .

Facebook has begun rolling out its weather feature, so watch for it the next time you plan or RSVP to an event.

Copyright 2013 TechNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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