Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The 45th annual HungerGames

The 45th annual HungerGames

The Capitol defeated Twelve of the districts and completely blew up the thirtieth.As a reminder of who's in charge the Capitol will hold the annual hungergames each year that requires districts to pick one of their own for the capitols entertainment.


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Uhm you can ask anything here..reservations are only for forty eight hours,like I said don't be afraid to ask questions ...I won't bite lol..and please be committed .

ISo stick that in your juice box and suck it!

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District 4 girl please??

"Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry's head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking," said Luna seriously. "It's often infested with nargles." ~~Luna Lovegood

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She was excellent just what I was looking for! And if you know anybody who would want to join could you ask them? Thanks!

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hmm I might have a couple people....

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Finished my character, I hope you like it.

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Can i reserve district 6 girl?

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Yeah she's great and you sure can

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ok, uploaded mine, hope you like!

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Member for 0 years

It's awesome.and if you guys know anybody who might want to join please ask them! Thanks you

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